14 Days Clean and Lean


This is not a diet! I can not stress that enough, I just can’t do diets the moment I have in my head that I am not allowed something is when I binge on all the things I otherwise wouldn’t normally eat. Personally I find it easier to eat consciously cleaner. I stray often I am totally happy to admit that, and I like to indulge occasionally, but the problem I have found is allowing myself to stray too far and that’s when a little reining in is required. I blame so many factors, alcohol, a naughty sweet tooth, festive seasons where indulgence is embraced, the weather and we can’t forget emotions. The challenge is to try not to be punishing when this happens and just jump back into cleaner and leaner dinners.

These 14 dinners have a strong focus on the veg being the biggest part of the meal. They are light on the carbs with some leaner protein choices but still incorporate some good healthy fats like butter, coconut oil and salmon and avocados.