Leftover Buttermilk

Buttermilk pancakes, 1eightykitchen weekly tip

This week we are using buttermilk in one of our recipe’s, but I have yet to find a product that comes in a size smaller than 600ml and often a recipe won’t even come close to needing that much. So that little carton can often end up hanging out in the fridge for ages and then get thrown out.

I often have great intentions to use it straight away, but then life gets in the way.

So rather than have it hang out in the fridge and then make its way into landfill, you can measure it out and put it into little ziplock bags then pop it in the freezer.


So by the time you're ready to make those buttermilk pancakes (recipe below) finally you won't be pulling out soured buttermilk. Pop it in the microwave to defrost and your good to go.

What You’ll Need

2 eggs

1/4 cup of caster sugar

1 cup of buttermilk

1 cup of self raising flour

Butter for the pan


Make Batter

Separate your eggs.

Whisk egg whites until soft peaks form, then whisk in your caster sugar.

Mix egg yolks with the buttermilk.

Sift flour over the egg and buttermilk mixture and stir well to combine.

Fold in the egg whites.

Cook Pancakes

Use small omelette pans and start with them on medium heat (they will take a little while to heat up, but you will know when they are hot enough because the butter will sizzle when it touches the pan)

Use approx 1/4 teaspoon of butter and swill it round so that it coats the bottom.

Then use a measuring cup to pour the batter into your pan ( by using a measuring cup all your pancakes will come out a very similar size)

Cook until you see little bubbles form on the top so it will look a bit like a crumpet then flip over.

You will know the pancake is ready when it springs back at you when you touch the center.

wipe out the pan with a paper towel, then begin again.

Top with lots of Maple Syrup…….Yum!