Peach Protein Balls

Buttermilk pancakes, 1eightykitchen weekly tip

In my perfect world, I would have a fridge full of all kinds of healthy, tasty treats. I imagine beautiful colourful fresh juice's, small jars of bircher, buckwheat banana bread, jars of fresh cut veggies, amazing healthy slices OMG my list would be huge!! And maybe I'm a little crazy because I do love a beautifully styled fridge so I would be in organised heaven!!!!. But I feel like that perfect world would also require a 32 hour day, or perhaps a clone of myself so that I could do multiple tasks at once.

Because every week I have the best intentions to make at least one little healthy snack to have on hand, but in reality, I often don't even achieve that. I am however going to put in some serious effort to up my game because I have slipped and found that I have turned into a mum who gives her child packet food snacks…..Seriously! What the F&#%!!!!!! When did I start doing this?

I get it now though, I totally see how this stuff works it's way into our lives so no judgement here at all. The whole "healthy snacks" biz is absolutely not an area that comes naturally to me and it's tricky too because homemade is not cheaper, unfortunately. But I am a bl&%$y chef, and I never wanted to do the packet food, so this is me voicing my commitment to up my game because I do want to be that mum that has a child that eats well. (fingers crossed)

So today's recipe is an EASY healthy snack that doesn't require hours in the kitchen.....Yeah!!

These you throw everything into the food processor then roll, and viola.

I have used hemp protein because that is what I put in our smoothies, but you can use any protein powder.

What You’ll Need

2 cups of dried peaches (you can use apricots or dates)

1/2 cup of raw almonds

1/4 cup of rolled oats

1 tablespoon of hemp protein powder

1/2 cup of coconut oil

1/4 cup rice malt syrup

1/4 cup of chia seeds

desiccated coconut to roll in


Roughly chop peaches and combine all ingredients in a food processor, blitz till chunky.

Roll into walnut sized balls then put a small handful of coconut in your hands and press the coconut into your ball whilst rolling gently.

Chill or freeze.
