Spinach Pancakes with Kiwi Berries and Coconut Yoghurt

Spinach Pancakes

Serves: 4 small/medium pancakes

I love pancakes on a lazy Sunday, and these are a really cute way to get the greens in. They go down a treat with my two year old he doesn’t question at all that they might be healthy, but green is his favourite colour.

I have tried making these pancakes in a whole number of ways, as a savoury crepe, with gluten free flour, with buckwheat flour with sugar substitutions and each different recipe variation does work, but this is the recipe that I have found turns out the best. The addition of spinach does create a more earthy flavour so if you're feeling a touch unsure if these will go down with the kids then cut back on the spinach and gradually add more each time you make them.

This recipe makes 4 medium sized Pancakes, perfect for a light brunch for 2.5 people but double the recipe if your feeling hungry! I’m gonna be honest I can easily eat two so if I am feeling indulgent I will double the mix, if I’m feeling like I don’t want to be eating much sugar or white flour then ill just do a single portion and hubby gets to have two pancakes and me and the tiny tot have 1 each.

What you’ll need

1 egg

2 dessert spoons of caster sugar

1/3 cup milk (I have used almond but any milk will work)

3 large handfuls of spinach

1/2 cup of plain flour (if using gluten free you will want to add 1/4 more)

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 teaspoons butter

1 packet kiwiberry or two kiwifruit

1 banana

1 packet of blackberries

4 tablespoons Coconut Yogurt

Pure Maple Syrup (as much as you like)


Separate your egg and put the whites into a small mixing bowl and the yolk into either a small food processor or blender, or into a stick blender jug.

Add the sugar milk and spinach to the egg yolk and blitz till smooth.

Sift the flour and baking powder into a small mixing bowl, add the wet spinach mixture and stir till well combined and free of lumps.

Whisk the egg white to a soft peak then gently fold through the rest of the batter.

Make it Pretty

I like to wipe the pan clean with a paper towel between each pancake that way the burnt butter doesn't transfer onto the pancake and you have a visually nicer result.

Heat a small omelette pan on a medium heat. (once you get familiar with this recipe you’ll be making these pancakes super quick so I usually have my pan on the heat warming up whilst I make the butter. Our stove takes a while for the elements to reach medium temp). Melt approx 1/2 teaspoon of butter in the pan, once the butter has bubbled add some pancake mix. When you see bubbles starting to form on the surface the pancake is ready to be flipped, cook for a further 30 seconds then remove.

Repeat till you have four pancakes.

Slice the kiwi berries in half and the banana into slithers. Top each pancake with 1 tablespoon of coconut yogurt, scatter with kiwiberries, banana and blackberries then drizzle with maple syrup.


Green is my little mans favourite colour and put the word pancake on the end and he is one happy little tot. Love this pic of him waiting patiently while I get a snap of his food……although I think the words were “oh mum come on” xxxxx

baby spinach pancakes.jpg

I have been late to join in on the coconut yogurt fan trail, I tried it a few years back and didn’t really like it but either they have improved the product or my taste buds have changed, I’m still not quiet at the point of eating it by itself but I have been loving it as an addition to other dishes, it’s perfect with these pancakes and was delish in last nights curry. So this one is my pic.

COYO, coconut yoghurt