What oils do you have in your cupboard?

I’m a bit fussy when it comes to which particular oils I like to cook with, but possibly not fussy in the way that you might expect.

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My household favourite is a mild olive oil. I am not a fan at all of extra virgin olive oil as I find that the flavour is way too strong for my liking and I find it overpowers a lot of food. I have had the privilege of using and working with some ultra expensive products that some people I’m sure would drink, so I have given it a good nudge to find one that I enjoy, but extra virgin olive oil is just not my thing.

My go to is this - a 4 litre drum of extra mild olive oil that you can find in Coles which generally costs only $27. I buy in bulk because we use it a lot and it’s way more cost efficient than the smaller bottles.

You won’t ever catch me personally using Canola oil. I’m not a preacher so I won’t be forcing any opinions but I’m just going to say it’s nasty stuff and if you want more details then please please do some research. Once you have, I promise you will soon be throwing that stuff away (not down the sink though please)!

If I’m going to deep fry then I will go for grapeseed oil it as it has a high smoke point and a pretty neutral flavour. Not that we deep fry much but one very important thing to check out is the smoke point of your oil; it is the highest temperature your oil can reach before it starts to give off nasty toxins.

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My other fave is coconut oil, not so much because it’s amazingly good for you (which is a bonus) but personally I use it because I love the flavor with any type of Asian style dish. Coconut oil is everywhere nowadays which is great as it no longer costs the earth but it is still a good idea to go with organic.

Very very rarely you might see sesame oil pop up in a dish, but it has a strong flavor and my style is pretty subtle so I save this one for dishes that really need it. I never actually cook with sesame oil as it’s more just to flavour a dressing or toss through something like noodles.

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I went down the road of fancy oils once and found that they are not only ridiculously expensive but they tend to sit in my cupboard and do nothing; mostly because I like fresh flavours and they aren’t on my conscious radar. The one exception I have is chilli oil - I am very partial to a chilli condiment, and this little guy has just come into my life, thanks Alex. You could virtually throw it onto anything. I just had it on my lunch, a simple omelet with Persian feta and avocado - delicious!