What's Your Favorite Healthy Breakfast?

over oats.jpg

I used to be pretty naughty about eating breakfast, meaning I just didn’t do it. But over the years I have become more in tune with my bodies need for breakfast and now it is my favourite meal of the day. If I don’t get a good breakfast in I will struggle my way through the day. Breakfast for me doesn’t have to look pretty but I like it to be something that is easy to prepare and has enough nutrients to keep me satisfied. There are so many naughty temptations that one could eat for breakfast which makes it hard to make smart choices, and breakfast is often a time when you don’t want to be mucking around, you just need to get the job done as quickly as possible. So here are my three favourite easy breakfasts that are a nice healthy option to kick your day off right.

OOoo First though I should say I like to start my mornings off with half a squeezed lemon in a cup of hot water, this kickstarts the metabolism, it becomes quite an addictive little ritual. Plus starting the day this way gives me time to wake up properly and get my little man all set for the morning.

Then it’s breakfast time.

At the top of my list is oats they are a great source of fibre and are a slow releasing complex carb (these are the good ones). Oats are what I generally go for the most, hot as porridge or cold, like bircher. I love them!!!!. I think I must have a solid 20-year love affair with oats. If I am doing porridge I like a little texture so some freshly chopped nuts, a little coconut and maybe some banana if we have or grated apple and a sprinkling of chia seeds(I go through fads with chia seeds, so right now they are back in) with a decent drizzle of honey and either soy or almond milk depending on how I feel. This takes 2 minutes top to prepare and no it doesn’t always look pretty but tastes scrumptious!

Cold the options are endless, dried fruit is nice or every type of fresh fruit, but my go-to right now is still oats soaked overnight with yogurt and frozen berries (raspberries are in for me right now they soften down a little nicer than the frozen blueberries) cinnamon and honey and almond milk super super simple and I make this one up the night before. I also find this is awesome to make if I am going to be on the run over lunch and don’t have any lunch leftovers, then I will make myself up a jar before I leave the house to take with me, stops me buying something which isn’t as healthy not to mention saves on money. If I’m eating at home and not in a rush then I will load up on toppings. I can have a jar all set in under a minute, then it gets popped into the fridge and left to soak, also real life doesn’t look as pretty as the photo.

Hre’s my overnight oats

Chocolate Protein Smoothie

Then my option two is a protein smoothie I love these any time of day so if I haven’t had one for brekkie I will often have this for a morning tea or afternoon snack. I have just realised that I’m quite a creature of habit when it comes to breakfast so my morning smoothies are almost always the same ingredients, banana, avocado, spinach, cacao, hemp protein and almond milk. I will mix it up occasionally but I know I like this one and once you’ve made something 100 times it becomes a pretty quick system. So this one is done in 3 minutes tops.

Here’s my smoothie

Scrambled eggs on toast

And then we can’t forget eggs. I will happily eat a million variations of eggs but I just can’t eat them every day because I find eggs a bit rich. But they are a fabulous source of protein When I am hungry I want something ready quickly so it’s scrambled 90% of the time as that’s fast. I try really hard to exercise restraint when it comes to bread cause it is one of my all time weaknesses I would and have lived on bread. When I was young and living in London one of my flatmates worked in Jamie Oliver’s bakery and the bread he used to bring home was truly spectacular I would have happily eaten it all day. Most of the time I will just have eggs with avocado loads of chopped herbs and either baby rocket or baby spinach depending on what’s in the fridge but I will allow these days I am buying my husband really good rye sourdough so if I’m feeling a little hungry or just really want it then I will enjoy some without guilt as it’s a quality healthier option and frickin delicious!

Another egg fav is this super Easy Omelette