15 Minute Pasta

15 Minute Pasta, 1 eighty kitchen meal plans.

Serves: 4

Time: 15 mins

Some nights it’s good to have a really quick dinner up your sleeve for when you’re running late or feeling tired. I have used buckwheat pasta which is gluten free and has a very heavy nutty flavour that cuts the richness of the pesto, but of course you can substitute this for any pasta you like.


There is plenty of leftovers, but gluten free pasta does need to be warmed up as it’s flavour is pretty cardboard like when it’s cold.


What you'll need

Gluten Free

You don't have to go gluten free, any pasta will work but if you are starting to explore the gluten free world then I recommend a brand called Organ.

1 bunch of basil (minus some of the leaves from chicken night)

1 large handful of almonds

70g of parmesan

zest of half a lemon

The rest of the semi dried tomatoes

1 packet of Buckwheat pasta Spirals

A few large handfuls of baby spinach

From the pantry

olive oil

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Put a Large Pot of Water on to boil

Cook Pasta

Gluten free pasta can be a little bit fickle so I find it’s a good idea to follow the instructions on the packet.

Make Pesto

Pick the leaves of your basil and place in a small food processor.

Roughly chop your almonds.

Roughly chop your Parmesan.

Combine all together with the lemon zest and enough oil to come almost half way up the mix.

Pulse till chunky, season with salt and pepper.

Toss to Combine

Combine your pasta with the pesto and throw in a good couple of handfuls of spinach and the last of your semi dried tomatoes. Toss all together and check for seasoning.

Presto you’re all done!


pasta lunch.jpg

Lunch tomorrow

There was plenty leftover for lunch but I highly recommend that you heat your pasta up as you don’t want to eat this one cold - it tends to go a little bit like cardboard.