Asian Style Prawn Omelette Loaded with Veggies and Cashew Nuts

Prawn Omlette, ! eighty kitchen, meal plans

Serves: 2

Time: 30 mins

Do you have random dinners that you have made out of nothing that turn out to be awesome? This meal began like one of these and has turned into a regular. Originally it was a dinner that got made from a fridge full of nothing if you get my meaning; the veggie drawer had a few sad looking scraps that at a glance wasn’t enough to make a stir fry out of, but with the addition of a few key staples that we absolutely always have on hand…..well let’s maybe say 98% of the time - eggs, nuts, soy sauce - a very tasty and filling meal was produced. Tonight I have put in fresh prawns. In the past, I have bought a bag of frozen prawns to have in the freezer as an emergency option which is a great idea. Have a look through your fridge before you start this one, almost anything can be thrown in, so why not use up the old stuff first.


Tonight’s dinner is pretty big but I’m not one for seafood leftovers so instead, I have whipped up some turkey rolls for the hubby for lunch tomorrow.


What you'll need

8 eggs

12 large shelled raw prawns

1 red onion

4 cloves of garlic

2 carrots

1 green pepper

leftover red cabbage

1/4 bunch of coriander

1/2 a packet of mung bean shoots

1/2 cup of frozen peas (thawed)

1/2 cup roasted cashew nuts

1 lime

From the Pantry

1 tablespoon of soy sauce or tamari

coconut oil

salt and pepper

hot chilli sauce or oil (optional)

Optional Lunch Extras

multigrain rolls

sliced turkey




Feeding Four?

This is a pretty big omelette, but to feed four I will put an extra 4 eggs in the shopping list and 8 more prawns, an extra carrot and an extra green pepper for you.


Prep Veggies

Peel and roughly slice the red onion; peel and very finely chop the garlic.

Peel carrots and slice in half then chop up into small semi-circles.

Shred cabbage up (you don’t need to make it look perfect it doesn’t really show).

Slice pepper up into bite-sized chunks.

Defrost peas.

Wash and roughly chop coriander, stalks and all.

Mix Eggs

Crack eggs into a bowl and whisk really well with the soy sauce, 3 tablespoons of cold water, a pinch of salt and around a teaspoon of fresh cracked pepper.


Heat 1 tablespoon of coconut oil in a large wok or large non-stick frypan. Toss the prawns in the coconut oil for around 2 minutes, just long enough for the prawns to lightly colour all over.

Add the garlic and cook, continuing to stir until the garlic has softened.

Remove from the wok and set aside.

Heat another tablespoon of coconut oil and add the red onions to the wok, cook stirring constantly until the red onion has softened, add the carrots, cabbage and pepper and sauté together until soft.

Sprinkle with a touch of salt and pepper.

Add the mung beans, thawed out peas, chopped coriander and prawns back into the wok.

The Wok or a Frypan?

If you aren't a confident cook I would suggest you cook the veg first in the wok then finish the omelette off in a frypan.

BY WOK - now add the eggs. you are going to fold the eggs through the vegetables almost like you are scrambling, but instead use a spatula and gently fold through. The trick here is to tilt the wok. As you tilt, allow the uncooked egg to run into the new space you are creating, as you draw the spatula through.

When you get to a point that it almost looks like you have made scrambled eggs (you want them to still have a slight wobble to them) stop moving it around and allow the mix to sit for about 1 minute so that the base will form.

BY FRYPAN - If you don’t have a wok then I would do everything exactly the same but in a frypan and then split the veggies in half and make two omelettes instead.

Now the tricky part is getting it out of the pan because it is so large. I cheat and just flip it onto a serving plate, it will most likely break but cover it up with some garnish and it will still look amazing.

Serve with fresh lime and chilli sauce.

Scatter with cashews.


turkey roll.jpg

Lunch tomorrow

Ordinarily I would think this recipe was enough to feed two with leftovers but my husband proved me wrong so I had to make him sambo’s for lunch. These are turkey rolls, on a multigrain bun (every bit of extra goodness counts right)?