Baked Eggs and Chorizo

Homemade beans with chorizo, 1eighty kitchen meal plans

Serves: 2

Time: 40 mins

You could easily serve this dish any time of the day, breakfast would be delish with some toasted sourdough, lunch maybe a nice salad on the side, tonight we are having it with zucchini spirals. I have left ours raw because when you mix them with the steaming hot bean mix you’ll find they soften just perfectly so they aren’t raw any more but still hold a great texture. YUMMY!!! If you want to play a use up the cupboard game then you could do this dish with any kind of bean or lentil or even chickpea and it will still work out great thanks to the chorizo which gives off a delicious smokey flavour.


The beans are very substantial, but lunch is just the beans if you want eggs as well add two more before you bake the dish or do a couple of hard boiled eggs in the shell instead.


What you'll need

1 small brown onion

2 cloves garlic

6 sprigs of thyme or oregano

2 tins of whole peeled tomatoes

2 tins of cannellini beans

2 chorizo sausages

1 yellow capsicum

1 packet of cherry tomatoes

2 large zucchini

3 eggs

From the Pantry    

1 teaspoon paprika                                                

olive oil

salt and pepper

Optional Xtra’s for Lunch

2 eggs

Feeding Four

2 chorizo sausages is a nice amount but if you think more is required maybe add an xtra chorizo to your list. I have also added 2 eggs and 2 more zucchini to the feeding four xtra list.

Prep and Cook

Preheat oven to 1eighty

Make Sauce

Peel and finely dice onion and garlic.

Finely chop thyme, removing any large woody stalks.

Saute in a large oven-safe fry pan with a touch of olive oil until soft.

Add the paprika and cookout for 30 seconds.

Add the tomatoes, crushing them with your hands as you go and swill each can out with some water then add this to the pan.

Season well with salt and pepper and leave to simmer gently for 20 minutes. Stirring occasionally.


Cut the yellow squash into 6 pieces and add to a mixing bowl.

Slice the capsicum in half and remove the seeds and any pith (the soft white stuff). Then slice into strips and add to the bowl with the squash.

Cut the chorizo into large bite-sized pieces and add to the bowl.

Add the cherry tomatoes and toss all ingredients with a little oil and some salt and pepper and spread out on an oven tray lined with baking paper, place into the oven for 15 minutes.

Finish Beans

Drain the beans and add to the tomato sauce. Check the seasoning if your tomatoes taste a touch acidic then you may need to add more salt.

Add the tray of roasted goodies along with any oil that has come out of the chorizo. (What I do is pick it all up by the paper and tip it out like a funnel).

Bring the mix back up to the boil stirring gently.

Bake Eggs

Make a couple of small indents into the bean mix and crack an egg into each one. Then pop into the oven for 6-8 minutes depending on how runny you like your eggs.

Make Spirals

While the eggs bake, use a spiralizer or a julienne peeler to make the zucchini spirals.

Julienne peeler

Juilienne is the French term for fine thin strips. I find these peelers excellent for saving time when you want something to look pretty/

Plate it Pretty

The pretty aspect of this dish is how it looks as a whole, so serve the zucchini spirals up into individual bowls and place a nice big handful of rocket with a sprinkling of sea salt on top of the beans and place on the table on a wooden board with a serving spoon. 


Roasted lamb and ratatouille for lunch

Lunch tomorrow

We only had a little bit of spirals left for this one, and I didn’t plan for eggs for lunch, but if you would like some more protein then add xtra before you bake the dish.