BBQ Veg Salad

Roasted vegetables done on the BBQ, 1 eighty kitchen, meal plans

Serves: 2

Time: Prep 10 mins Cook: 15 mins

Some nights we really do just eat veg. I like to make sure that most of the time we are getting a really well balanced diet, so nights like tonight where I’m just craving veg, I don’t worry so much about the protein or good fats because the rest of the week has been pretty well covered. I just sit back and enjoy the simplicity and taste of beautiful veggies. I also love how easy a simple plate of roasted veg is to make, especially when you’re doing it on the BBQ - cleaning up is a breeze! And I like this one best when eaten with fingers straight of the platter sitting in the grass outside. You can absolutely add a meat or a carb if you need, but straight up veg nights are always a hit in our house.


This does appear big but I find we tend to eat a lot of veg when they are by themselves so you will need to double the ingredients to have leftovers.

What you'll need

3 zucchini

1 red pepper

1 yellow pepper

1 green pepper

1 large packet of button mushrooms

1 large red onion

1 packet baby vine tomatoes

1 small bunch of basil

From the Pantry

olive oil

salt and pepper

Add To the Hearts Content.

The list of veg that will work on the BBQ is endless so you don't have to limit to just what's in the recipe, this is also a great time to use up anything that's floating around in the veg drawer.

Optional Extra for Lunch

1 red onion

1 red, yellow, green peppers

3 zucchini

Feeding Four

I have added double of the peppers and zucchini and onion to the shopping list. You can also use the whole bunch of basil


Prep Veg

Slice the zucchini into long diagonal strips.

Cut peppers in half and remove the seeds, then slice each half into 3 pieces.

Peel the red onion and slice into 12 segments.

Save Time

I have to go down a flight of stairs to get to our BBQ so, to save time, I line a tray with foil and lay the raw veg out on here; that way you can return to the same tray once they are cooked. I do the same with meat except I place a layer of baking paper over the top of the foil before I put the raw meat on, and then throw the paper away so you are left with a clean foiled surface for the cooked meat.

Remove the stalks from the mushroom.

Pick basil leaves.

Toss each veg with oil and salt and pepper and lay out on an oven tray lined with foil.

Cook Veg

Make sure the BBQ is at least 200 before you start cooking and always clean and lightly oil the surface using a paper towel.

Start with the mushrooms, they will take the longest, otherwise how much you can get on will depend on the size of your BBQ. Personally, I like to keep each veg in sections to make it easier, as the zucchini will take slightly longer than the peppers. With the onions I like them to be turning crunchy on the outer layers, almost bordering on black.

Tomatoes won’t take long, you’ll know they are done when the skin starts to blister and shrink.

Plate it Pretty

When all the veg is nicely charred, toss together with the basil and a sprinkling of sea salt and pile high on a platter.


Lunch tomorrow

I didn’t make this one for leftovers but if you want it to the extra ingredients are in the lunch shopping list.