Beef Rissoles and Kale Salad and Green Goddess Dressing

Beef Rissoles, 1 eighty kitchen meal plans.

Serves: 4

Time: 25 mins

These juicy balls of meat are a fabulous all year round meal. I like mine done medium because I am a little bit funny nowadays with anything under that but you can totally have them medium rare if that is more to your liking.


This dish makes 12 patties so you will have plenty of leftovers when just feeding two.


What you'll need

Full Fat Mince

I am a full fat kinda girl, especially when it comes to making things like rissoles. You can absolutely take the leaner mince options but the fat is what is going to give your rissoles that juiciness.

500g full fat beef mince

1 large brown onion

3 cloves of garlic

1/3 cup of quick oats

1 egg

1/4 bunch of parsley

1/4 bunch of coriander

1/2 bunch of kale

1 avocado

1 lemon

1/4 cup of pumpkin seeds

1/8 red cabbage

From the Pantry

1 teaspoon dijon mustard

1 teaspoon wholegrain mustard

olive oil

salt and pepper

mayo or Vegenaise

Optional Xtra For Lunch

1 cup quick oats

1 cup almond milk

1 cup greek yoghurt

1 cup frozen raspberries

Prep and Cook

Preheat oven to 180c

Prep Rissoles

Peel and finely dice onion and garlic.

In a small fry pan heat 1 teaspoon of oil and sauté your onion and garlic. Remove from heat once soft and lightly golden in colour.

At the same time combine the mince, egg, quick oats, parsley and both mustards with some salt and pepper and mix well.

Cook Patties

Add your fried onion mix to the rest of your meat mixture and massage it in till it’s well combined.

Mould the mix into 12 patties.

In a good non-stick frypan (preferably one that is oven safe) heat 1 tablespoon of oil on high heat.

Cook your patties each side for 1-2 minutes, long enough to get a nice golden crunchy crust.

Pop them in the oven for 10 minutes.

Make Salad

Toast pumpkins seed lightly in a small pan with a touch of oil. Work the seeds constantly with a spatula or spoon once they begin to colour.

Wash and shred kale, finely slice red cabbage.

When the seeds have cooled, mix together with the kale and cabbage.

Make Dressing

In a small food processor, combine the avocado, juice of 1 lemon, wash and roughly chop your coriander stalks and all, vegenaise or mayo and 2 tablespoons of cold water with a good pinch of salt and some cracked pepper.

Blitz till smooth. (Any leftovers will be good for 4 days in an airtight container).

Tomato Sauce and Mustard

This is big no no if you are trying to be healthy but......I love a good splash of american mustard and tomato sauce on my rissoles. I am a kiwi after all and some things will never change.

Plate it Pretty

Toss salad with a pinch of salt and pepper.

Put a couple of large handfuls on 2/3 of your plate and drizzle generously with dressing.

Serve alongside 3 patties.


Overnight Oats.jpg

Lunch tomorrow

When plating up for dinner set some salad aside without dressing for tomorrows lunch.

If ya smashed all the salad then maybe you’ll need to add some overnight oats???