Beetroot Risotto with Goats Cheese

Lamb cutlets with sweet potato mash, 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 2

Time: approx 30 minutes

I think the colour of this risotto is absolutely stunning!! It’s the wow factor - in terms of flavour it isn’t so much of a stand out the flavour, it is a lot more subtle than you would expect. However, a good risotto is always a win, especially on a cold winter’s night and paired with a full red wine. Yummy!!

Lunch Leftovers

This dinner is portioned just for two so doesn’t provide any lunch leftovers, the more risotto sits the more it will absorb its own liquid which makes it stoggy so not that great for leftovers.

Prep Ahead

If you get the beetroot cooked ahead of time you will sore through this dish in under 20 minutes.

What you'll need

1 large fresh beetroot or 1 small tin of cooked beetroot

50g butter plus 1 tablespoon

1 onion

4 cloves garlic

1/4 bunch oregano

1 cup red wine

600ml veggie stock

250g Arborio risotto rice

120g goats cheese

red sorrel to garnish

From the pantry

olive oil

salt and pepper

Feeding Four

You need to almost double everything, but you will already have some of the ingredients so I have just added 500ml of stock, 1 beetroot, 1 onion but you'll want to double the wine and the rice, oregano and just use the goats cheese you have.

Prep and Cook

Cook Beetroot

Peel beetroot and slice into large chunks, pop into a pot and cover with water and a pinch of salt then bring up to the boil. Turn down to a high simmer and cook till soft right through. Keep an eye on the beetroot as it may require a top up of water.

Once the beetroot is cooked right through, you can put half of it through a food processor or blitz with a stick blender and cut the rest up into small squares.

Prep Risotto

Warm the stock up in a pot but don’t boil it.

Peel and finely dice onion and garlic, remove the large stalks and roughly chop oregano.

Melt the butter with 1 tablespoon of oil and add the onion mix saute till soft.

Add the risotto and stir till the risotto begins to turn translucent.

Add the red wine and continue cooking till most has absorbed.

Gradually add the stock, a ladle at a time, stirring until all absorbed. Repeat the process until all the stock has been used.

When you have used approx 3/4 of your stock, add the beetroot along with the remaining stock, stirring all the time until your risotto has a lovely creamy consistency and the rice is al dente.

Portion into bowls and sprinkle with goats cheese and a scattering of red sorrel leaves.
