Black Bean and Broccoli Enchiladas

Veggie Enchiladas with gaucamole, 1 eighty kitchen meal plans

Serves: 4

Time: 40 minutes

These guys are a very veggie alternative to the typical Mexican enchilada and today I’m using wholegrain wraps instead of white so you get more nutrients. I went with the mission wraps that are Low Gi (a lot of the time I think these are just fancy marketing words but regardless they will still be better than white) and it’s important to make sure you are eating some good carbs. But as much as I love the dish as a whole, I really think it’s the  jalapeños
that make this one, so make sure you load up.


We had enough Mix for 4 enchiladas and I made 1 pizza alternative for my son, with a little mix leftover to make 1 wrap up fresh the next day. So for two people you should have lunch with an extra avocado and bulk out with some leftover red cabbage.


What you'll need

1 packet of wholegrain tortilla wraps

1 small brown onion

2 cloves of garlic

1 tin of black beans

1 tin of whole peeled tomatoes

1 red pepper

2 sticks of celery

1 small broccoli

1 bunch of coriander

1 avocado

1/2 jar of  jalapeños chillies

1 lime

From the Pantry

2 tablespoons of greek yogurt

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

1/2 teaspoon ground coriander

olive oil

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Preheat Oven to 1eighty

Cook Bean Mix

Peel and finely slice onion and garlic, sauté in a large frypan on a high heat with 1 tablespoon of olive oil till soft and light golden in colour.

Why Whole Peeled Tomatoes?

They get cooked for longer so have a richer flavour and they also generally have a lower sugar amount. It pays to check your brand as some of them are naughty and add sugar in the ingredients.

Add smoked paprika and ground coriander and stir for 20 seconds.

Add the whole peeled tomatoes crushing them with your hands as you go.

Season with salt and pepper and cook on a high simmer for 5 minutes.

Cut pepper in half and remove the core and pith then cut into a small dice (pinky fingernail size roughly).

Wash and slice celery to a similar shape. Cut lengthways into 3 then dice.

Chop broccoli slightly larger in size and use the entire broccoli - stalks and all.

Drain black beans and add to the tomato, along with the celery and red pepper. Cook for a further 2 minutes.

Add the broccoli. Stir well and regularly until the broccoli has just started to darken in colour, by now your tomatoes should be well reduced and thicker. You just want the tomatoes to coat all the veg but not be too thin. If they are still looking like there is a little too much watery liquid to them, allow to cook out for a few more minutes otherwise you will get soggy bottoms on your enchiladas.

Check seasoning.

Wash coriander and roughly chop half the bunch. Add to bean mix.

Roll Enchiladas

Heat 4 wraps up in the microwave for 20 seconds, this will soften them and make them easier to roll.

Layout on a bench and spoon mixture into the centre of the wraps all the way from one side to the other, but don’t overfill. Roughly two kitchen spoons each wrap.

Roll up and place inside an ovenproof dish, make sure the join is on the bottom.

Lightly drizzle or spray with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt.

Bake for 10 minutes till lightly golden.


Make Guacamole

Slice the avocado in half and remove the stone. Scoop out the flesh and place in a small bowl, lightly mash with a fork.

Squeeze in the juice of 1 lime.

Finely chop just the roots of the remaining coriander and add to the avocado along with some salt and pepper and mix well.

Plate it Pretty

Once your enchiladas are out of the oven top them with the guacamole, a couple of large dessertspoons of Jalna greek yogurt and sprinkle lightly with paprika.

Scatter over the jalapenos (drain first) and garnish with fresh coriander leaves.

This is what the kids pizza looked like and only took about 7 minutes to cook.

This is what the kids pizza looked like and only took about 7 minutes to cook.

Lunch tomorrow

It’s best not to wrap these beforehand as they will be a bit of a soggy mess. So take everything separately and build as you need. Lunch is more like a cold wrap.