Brown Rice Salad with Curried Cauliflower and Sweet Potato

Broccoli and red rice bowl, 1 eighty kitchen, weekly meal plans,

Serves: 4

Time: 15 minutes

Tonight’s dinner is a fabulous salad to have on its own as it is very substantial. It is a great salad to take to a bbq or when entertaining. Often I will add goats cheese to this one as it works wonderfully with the flavours. If you have any part bunches of soft herbs leftover such as parsley or coriander you could refresh them in cold water and roughly chop then toss through the rice. There are some salads that you can never hurt by adding too many herbs and this is totally one; just don’t add any hard herbs like rosemary or thyme.


Tomorrow’s lunch is the salad as is - this one is a great lunchbox lunch.

What you'll need

2 cups of brown rice

2 large sweet potato

1 tin of chickpeas

1/2 a cauliflower

4 stalks of celery

100g flaked almonds

1/4 cup of currants

1 bunch of dill

1/2 bunch of mint

From the Pantry  

1 teaspoon curry powder

olive oil

sea salt flakes

cracked pepper

Prep and Cook

Preheat oven to 1eighty

Cook Rice

Place the rice in a large pot and cover with at least 8 cups of water, add a good pinch of salt and bring up to the boil.

Turn down to a high simmer then continue to cook till al dente - approx 30 minutes.

Strain and spread out on an oven tray to cool.

Cook Cauliflower

Cut cauliflower into bite sized florets and then toss in oil with curry powder and a little salt and pepper.

Spread out on an oven tray lined with paper and roast for 15 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Cook Sweet Potato

Peel the sweet potato and cut into squares. (pinch your thumb and your pointing finger together, this is a similar size to the square you want).

Use the empty cauliflower bowl, and toss the sweet potato in it with a little oil and some salt and pepper.

Spread out on a tray lined with baking paper and pop into the oven along with the cauliflower and cook for 20 minutes.

Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Wash Celery

Wash celery under cold water and pull off any stringy parts that are hanging free.

Slice on a diagonal and add to a mixing bowl.

Toast Almonds

In a small oven tray for 7 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Wash and Pick Herbs

Wash herbs in a bowl of cold water. Flick off excess water and roughly chop the dill, remove any really large stalks. Add to the mixing bowl.

Pick the mint leaves, ripping them as you go and add these to the mixing bowl, along with the currants.

Toss Together

Once you have allowed a little time for everything to cool you can combine everything into your mixing bowl and toss together with some sea salt flakes and fresh cracked pepper.


brown rice salad lunch.jpg

Lunch tomorrow

Because we also had lamb with our salad, there is enough leftovers to have salad again the following day.