Cauliflower Parmigiana with Baby Spinach

Cauliflower Parmigiana, Vegetarian, 1 eighty kitchen, meal plans

Serves: 2

Time: 45 mins

This is a really cute idea for a veggie style take on a classic. I have made eggplant parmigiana before, which you crumb, but this is a much healthier alternative that still tastes super yum. It kinda reminds me of the cauliflower pizza but with less work involved. If you wanted to cheat and make this a super easy dinner, then I would suggest you buy a premade tom sauce but just make sure you check the back of the jar first as you want to avoid any that are really high in sugar. I honestly don’t know why they like to add so much sugar - tomatoes are naturally sweet anyways, especially once cooked.

Add Carbs

I have a hubby and a two year old that both love and need some carbs, so tonight I added some spaghetti to the dinner to look after them. Me though, I'm super happy just with the cauli and loads of spinach leaves.


One cauliflower will only make a couple of steaks so if you are adding pasta then you will have enough for lunch leftovers.

What you'll need

1 large cauliflower

1 small brown onion

4 cloves garlic

1/2 cup of cooking wine (optional)

1 tin of whole peeled tomatoes

1 bunch of basil

1 cup of mozzarella cheese grated

1 bag of baby spinach

1/2 lemon

From the Pantry

olive oil

salt and pepper

Optional Lunch extras

spaghetti or salad mix

Feeding Four

If you add spaghetti to this recipe you can have 1 cauliflower steak each and the spaghetti and spinach will make it substantial enough.

Homemade or Store Bought

If you are saving time with store bought sauce jump straight to the cooking of cauli. If making from scratch, I like to do little things to make things roll faster - like I'll start cutting my cauliflower while the onion is softening and while the red wine is reducing, you can oil and pop the cauli in the oven.


Preheat oven to 180

Make Sauce

Peel and finely slice onion and garlic and sauté with 1 tablespoon of olive oil till soft. Add the red wine and allow to reduce by half, then add 3 sprigs of basil (leaves only) and the tinned tomatoes crushing the tomatoes by hand as you go.

Swill the can out with 1/3 cold water and add this to your tomatoes along with some salt and pepper.

Bring up to the boil and then turn down to a high simmer, stirring occasionally.

Cook Cauli

Slice the cauliflower into 4 large steaks (this will depend largely on the size of your cauliflower) Don’t worry too much if they fall apart (because they most likely will), you can piece them together to look like steaks.

Layout on an oven tray lined with baking paper and drizzle lightly with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place in the oven to cook for 20 minutes. I like a bit of crunch but if you want it a little softer then cook for 30 mins.

Build Parmigiana

Because we are cooking the sauce on a high simmer it should be a deep red colour and nicely reduced by the time the cauliflower is cooked. Check the flavour and if it is still tasting slightly acidic, add more salt and pepper.

Spoon 2 large dessert spoons over each cauliflower steak and scatter with mozzarella cheese. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes until cheese is melted and lightly golden.

Plate it Pretty

These looked cool all rustic on the baking tray with the sauce all oozing out; serve like this or transfer to a plate and scatter with fresh basil leaves. A large bowl of baby spinach on the side with fresh squeezed lemon juice and a sprinkling of sea salt.


Double Up

Tomorrow night there is tatziki with the chicken so save some time and make double the batch.

Lunch tomorrow

Lentil curry lunch leftovers

I often will give the hubby carbs for lunch as he has a very physical job but if you don’t need or want the carbs then a salad would work perfectly.