Cauliflower Soup with Crispy Pancetta and Kale Chips

Stuffed Chicken with roasted greens and cauli puree, 1 eighty kitchen meal plans

Serves: 4

Time: 30 mins

If you like a super quick very soft soup then this one is for you. If you want to add cream or butter you will get an even smoother almost silky soup but for tonight we are keeping it nice and clean and using extra toppings for the pop of flavour.


I love soup for leftovers, but then I also love anything that includes toast. Lunch tomorrow is exactly the same if you haven’t eaten all the pancetta and kale chips.


What you'll need

Greek Yoghurt

I always have Greek yoghurt in the fridge. I buy the 1kg tub of Jalna Pot Set - it's my favourite as it's so creamy and the subtle flavour works perfectly with everything. Plus if it's on special, you can pick it up sometimes for $9 - bargain!

1 large brown onion

4-6 cloves of garlic

2 celery stalks

1 large cauliflower

1 litre veggie stock

12 slices of pancetta/prosciutto/jamon

1/2 bunch of kale

1 loaf of crusty bread - my choice for tonight was a seeded gluten free loaf from the grumpy baker

From the Pantry

2 tablespoons of greek yoghurt for garnish

olive oil

salt and pepper

1 tablespoon of butter (optional)

Prep and Cook

Prep Veg

Preheat Oven to 180c

Peel and roughly chop the onion and garlic.

Wash and roughly chop celery.

Cut cauliflower down into large florets.

Heat 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a large pot and sauté the onion and garlic till softened and beginning to turn a golden colour.

Add the celery, cauliflower, veggie stock and 1 cup of cold water.

Season Well.

Bring up to the boil.

Turn down and simmer gently till the cauliflower is soft right through approx. 15-20 minutes.

Use a stick blender or food processor to blitz till smooth

Cook Pancetta

Lay your pieces out on an oven tray lined with paper and spray lightly with oil.

Cook for 8 minutes till crispy.

Remove from the oven and leave to cool.

Cook Kale Chips

Rip the kale leaves away from the stalks and scatter across a tray lined with paper. Spray lightly with oil and toss around with your hands a bit then spray any remaining dry areas. Sprinkle lightly with salt.

Pop in the oven for 3 minutes then turn off the oven and leave to sit in the oven to dry into crispy chips.

Plate it Pretty

Ladle your soup into a bowl, take a tablespoon of yogurt and drizzle it around the centre of the soup.

Scatter across the yogurt with the kale and break pieces of the pancetta and prop up against your kale chips.

Crack black pepper over the top.


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Lunch Tomorrow

For your soup there is plenty of kale chips (in theory, but I am a big fan of kale chips, and they are sitting right beside me on the kitchen shelf, so I have been nibbling away at them as I type and almost eaten all of tomorrow’s garnish).