Super Easy Chicken and Broccoli Salad

Chicken and Broccoli Salad, 1 eighty kitchen, weekly meal plans, feta dressing

This dinner can be done in under 15 minutes, it is a fabulous cheat meal where the lengthiest part of preparing this dish is waiting for the bacon to cook, and the rest is super simple to prepare. I do a very similar salad to this which has charred broccoli if you have time but I think this one works great with raw broccoli, making this is a perfect dinner when your feeling like cheating or just simply don’t have the time or energy to put into anything more substantial. Mayo really brings this all together, but you could substitute for lemon juice if preferred.


The leftover part of this meal comes from the chicken thigh and drumstick meat which have been turned into a very simple chicky roll.

What you'll need

1 large broccoli

1 Cooked Chook (preferably fresh from the supermarket on the day but not essential)

6 slices of bacon

1 avocado

2 handfuls of baby spinach

From the Pantry                                                     

2 tablespoons of mayo

salt and pepper

Optional Xtra for Lunch

2 bread rolls

Swap it Out

This is a meal that I like to do with a fresh cooked chook from the supermarket, so alternately you can use 2 raw chicken breast and either roast whole or cut up into small pieces and quick fry in a hot pan.

Feeding Four

To make this into dinner for four all you need to do is strip the meat from the chicken drumb and thigh as well, then cook xtra bacon and cut xtra broccoli and avocado, all of which I have added to the Feeding Four xtra shopping list.You will also want to add more baby spinach but there is no need to add this to the list you will already have plenty.

Prep and Cook

Cook Bacon

Heat a large frypan on high heat, spray lightly with an olive oil spray, or if its a really good non stick pan you can fry in a dry pan.

Spread the bacon out so that it’s flat with no parts overlapping and cook till golden and crispy. Transfer to paper towels once cooked and allow to cool then slice into thin strips.

Cut Broccoli

Cut the broccoli up into small bite sized florets and place in a medium sized mixing bowl.

Shred Chicken

Rip the skin off the chicken and pull off just the breast meat, shredding into bite sized strips and add to the mixing bowl.

Add the mayo and season with salt and pepper then mix together well.

Plate it Pretty

Just because it’s a cheat meal doesn’t mean it can’t look pretty so slice the avocado in half and remove the stone, scoop each half out as a whole piece and then slice each half lengthways into 5 pieces.

Fill the base of two serving bowls evenly with just over a half of the broccoli and chicken mix.

Scatter over a large handful of baby spinach, then dot around each bowl 3 pieces of avocado and a handful of bacon.

Top each serving with the remainder of ingredients following the same sequence.

Finish with fresh cracked pepper and a light sprinkling of sea salt flakes.


chicky roll.jpg

Lunch tomorrow

For lunch you could make a very simple salad or make up chick rolls. Strip the meat off the bone from the thigh and drumb and shred, finely slice celery and spring onion and mix with mayo and salt and pepper. Butter buns and stuff with chicken mix. yum yum!