Green Veg Stir Fry

Veggie Sir Fry, 1 eighty kitchen meal plans

Serves: 2

Time: 20 minutes

Veggie stir fry’s have always been popular in our house, I have been making them since I was a young girl and still love a good hit of veggies thrown into a hot wok. Tonight there is a lot of veg because we aren’t having any carbs or any protein so I know this isn’t all going to fit into one pan, to make it easier I am going to drop the bok choy and the broccolini into boiling water instead and fry the rest of the veg. This is probably the most basic of basic stir fry’s but feel free to add some bells and whistles I would normally do garlic and ginger but have kept it super clean.


There is a little bit leftover so if you wanted to you could add some brown rice for a substantial lunch.

Feeding Four

this meal fed 3 and a half people in my house so I think it would be plenty for four when adding an xtra packet of baby corn and 1 more yellow squash.


What you'll need

2 bunches of bok choy

2 bunches of broccolini

1 packet of baby corn

2 yellow squash

200g green beans

1 bunch of coriander

From the Pantry

1 tablespoon of coconut oil

soy sauce

siracha hot sauce

olive oil

salt and pepper

Optional Lunch Xtra’s

1 cup of brown rice

Prep and Cook

Prep Veg

Pop a large pot of water on to boil with a dash of oil and a pinch of salt.

Cut the base off the bok choy and the woody ends off the broccolini.

Slice the baby corn in half lengthways, and the squash into thin slices.

Top and tail the beans.

Cook Veg

Heat a large wok or fry pan with coconut oil until almost at smoking point, drop the baby corn into the pan and quick fry until lightly golden.

Add the green beans and continue to quick fry until the beans are slightly blistered. Remove the veg from the pan and add a touch more coconut oil and then add the yellow squash and again quick fry until golden on all sides.

Add the corn and beans back into the fry pan and season well with salt and pepper.

Toss through the fresh chopped coriander and remove from the heat.

Drop the bok choy and broccolini into the pot of boiling water and cook for 30 seconds. Drain straight away and combine with the rest of the veg.

Serve straight away with some soy sauce and siracha on the side.


Lunch tomorrow

Are you bulking lunch up with brown rice? or having a shake today?