Naked Beef Burger with Sweet Potato Oven Fries

Naked beef burger with sweet potato oven fries 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 4

Time: approx 40 mins

Of course you can choose to add burger buns to this meal, but personally I love the fresh crisp taste of turning my lettuce leaves into the bun.


Lunch tomorrow is just the burger ingredients with the remaining lettuce. I have added extra sweet potato to the lunch list if you would like to have sweet potato fries.


What you'll need

500g beef mince

1/4 cup of quick oats

1 tablespoon Dijon mustard

1 iceberg lettuce

2 roma tomato

1/2 onion

100g cheddar cheese

1 tin of sliced beetroot

1 kg sweet potato

a couple of sprigs of thyme


From the pantry


salt and pepper



Overnight oats

Use the left over oats to make little jars of overnight oats to take to work as a snack..... recipe

Free Range for Goodness

We like to choose organic and free range products as much as possible and especially when using mince products. I prefer regular mince when it comes to making patties with a good amount of fat. If you use lean mince the result will be a dry pattie.

Feeding Four?

I have given you extra sweet potato in the feeding four shopping list and extra tomatoes

Prep and Cook

Preheat oven to 180c

Make Sweet Potato Fries

Peel your sweet potato and cut into even sized slightly fat chips.

Put chips in a mixing bowl and run cold water over them; you are washing off the excess starch.

Drain and turn out onto paper towels or a clean tea towel and pat dry.

Dry the bowl and return the sweet potato to the bowl.

Finely chop the thyme and add to the sweet potato along with about a tablespoon of olive oil and some salt and pepper. Toss all together.

Line an oven tray with baking paper and evenly lay your sweet potato out, trying not to have them touching too much; if they do they have a tendency to sweat.

Cook for 20 minutes. Turn them and cook for a further 20 minutes.


Caramelize Onion

Peel the onion. Keeping it whole, slice even sized rings.

Gently sauté with oil on a medium heat, stirring regularly till golden.

Presentation Perfection

If you are like me and like your presentation to be pretty then you can stack your lettuce leaves and use a large round cutter to punch out bun sized rounds, saving all the off cuts for tomorrow's lunch.

Make Beef Patties

In your mixing bowl (you can use the same bowl, a little rosemary won't hurt) place your mince, mustard, oats, a teaspoon of salt and a decent amount of cracked pepper.

Use your hands to mix all together really well.

Mould into 4 even sized patties about the thickness of your thumb.

Prepare Burger Filling

- Slice tomato

- Peel leaves of iceberg to make lettuce cups. Wash lettuce.

- Slice gherkins

- Slice cheese

Cook Patties

You want your patties to be finished at around the same time as your fries so start to cook your patties when the fries are 10 minutes from being finished.

You want a large pan that is big enough to fit all four.

Lightly coat the base of the pan in olive oil.

When your pan is hot, add your patties and cook each side for 3 minutes.

Remove pan from heat.

Pull out your sweet potato tray from the oven (check the potatoes are cooked) and slide your patties onto the tray.

Top the patties with cheese and return to the oven for 2 minutes.

While the cheese is melting you can build the rest of the burger. Lettuce, beetroot, tomato and gherkins. If i'm feeling naughty I sometimes will mix some mayo with some american mustard.

Place patties on top with your onions and serve with fries.




Lunch tomorrow

Naked burger lunch.jpg

If you’re like me you will smash the sweet potato fries so lunch is going to be more or less the burger, but load it up with salad. I don't know if I'm just a weirdo but I like it cold? Of course if you have access then heat these babies up.