Pan Fried Barramundi with Roasted Greens

Pan fried barramundi 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 2

Time: approx 20 mins

This is a throwback to one of our summertime dishes, but Brussel sprouts are back in the shops, and I love this dish and would eat it all year round if I could. So let's make the most of another short season of sprouts. I remember a lot of you had trouble finding fresh tahini (Harris Farm definitely have it in the chiller) so if you can’t find it, you could use up any leftover hummus from your burgers or run with a nice baba ganoush instead.


It is not the norm for us to do fish as a leftover. I'm not a fan and to transport fish the next day is a bit dodge, so we are going heavy on the veg and I suggest you add some other form of protein to your leftovers such as lentils and maybe a tinned fish would work great.


What you'll need                                                

2 portions of fresh fish approx 400g (go for nice thick pieces as opposed to long and thin)

1 broccoli

500g brussel sprouts (take 6 out for the lamb)

300g green beans

fresh tahini

1 tablespoon of butter

1/2 packet of baby spinach and rocket mix

1/3 bunch flat leaf parsley

1 lemon

From the pantry

olive or coconut oil

salt and pepper

Fresh tahini???

Its important here that you use fresh tahini...not to be mistaken with the tahini found in a jar on the shelf in the supermarket. Fresh tahini will be in the refrigerator section or in a good deli. If you can't find it then you will be better off to use a store bought baba ganoush.

Optional extras for lunch

tinned fish


Prep and Cook

Preheat oven to 200c

Prep Veg

Place a medium sized pot of water on to boil with a pinch of salt.

Cut broccoli into small florets and toss into a mixing bowl.

Slice brussel sprouts in half and add them to your broccoli along with the zest of one lemon. Toss greens in oil with salt and pepper, and layout on a baking tray lined with paper.

Put in the oven for 20 minutes. 

Top and tail your beans and set aside.

Perfect fish temp

If you have a tendency to burn things or your stove top runs really hot I would avoid using the highest setting....I find one notch back is perfect but you absolutely must wait for your pan and the oil to heat up completely before you put the fish in. If you aren't patient you'll end up with fish stuck to the pan.

Cook Fish

Before you cook your fish check to make sure there are no bones in it.

Lightly season both sides.

Use a really good non stick fry pan with enough olive oil to lightly coat the base.

Bring the pan up to a medium to high heat. You want the pan to sizzle when you put the fish in.

Lay your fish down in the pan on the presentation side (the presentation side is the prettiest side. It varies with different fish but if you’re unsure look for the bloodline on the fish, this is normally on the under/ugly side).

Apply some light pressure with your hand when you first put the fish in so that the fish stays flat and doesn't curl up.

Cook for 2-3 minutes; you want a nice golden crust. Do not touch the fish (this is very important). When your fish is ready to be flipped, it should slide cleanly away from the pan. If you feel the tension, leave for a little longer.

Flip your fish.

Add your butter and juice from half your lemon into the pan. Swirl your pan around so all the juices combine, then using a dessert spoon continuously baste your fish with these hot juices for around 30 seconds or until you're satisfied that your fish is cooked.

Remove from heat.

Cook beans

Drop your beans into boiling water for 30 seconds then drain.

Plate It Pretty

Using the back of a spoon, smear a large spoonful of the fresh tahini onto your plate. Don’t go right to the edge, come in about a spoon’s distance from the edge.

Toss your roasted veg and beans together with some baby spinach and fresh chopped parsley; give them just a touch more salt and pepper. Use your hands to artfully build the veg on top of the tahini (think slightly mismatched, too uniformed will look wrong). Gently nudge your fish onto the veg so it sits flat and top with a fresh lemon wedge.



Roasted lamb and ratatouille for lunch

Lunch tomorrow

There is a lot of veg involved here so what doesn't go on your plate for dinner can be combined with either a tin of lentils or perhaps some tinned fish for some protein or both.