Pork San Choy

San choy bau 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 4

Time: approx 20 mins

This is a very fresh light dinner but might not be substantial enough for a really hearty eater. I’m adding some rice noodles just in case.


Same as dinner but we are going to make it into a noodle salad.


What you'll need

 1 large thumb size piece of ginger

3 large garlic cloves

1 brown onion

500g pork mince

1 fresh lime

1 red chilli

1/4 bunch of coriander 

2 cos lettuces                                               

From the pantry

coconut oil

1 tablespoon fish sauce

1 tablespoon soy

1 tablespoon of sesame seeds


golden crispy shallots (optional)

Optional Extra for Lunch

1x 200g packet of vermicelli noodles

Free range for goodness

We like to choose organic and free range products as much as possible and especially when using mince products.

Prep and Cook

 Soak noodles

Place noodles in a large bowl.

Boil a jug of water then completely cover your noodles and leave to soak.

Drain once they are soft.

Wash lettuce

Cut the base off your lettuces then peel away the large outer leaves (don’t throw away, you can save these for your wraps). Place the small leaves in a bowl, completely cover with water and give them a really good wash.

Remove from the water by hand and place into a salad spinner to remove excess water or shake off in a colander.

Cook mince

Peel and finely dice onion and garlic and grate the ginger.

Put a tablespoon of coconut oil into a wok and bring up to a high heat.

Add the onion, garlic and ginger, sauté for a minute.

Add the pork mince, working it around quickly so that it breaks up nicely and cooks evenly. Cook for around 3 minutes or until the colour has completely changed.

Add your fish sauce, soy and juice of half a lime.

Roughly chop both the chilli and coriander and add.

Sprinkle through sesame seeds, add some cracked pepper. Remove from heat.

Roughly chop peanuts and place in a small dish and also put some crispy shallots in a small dish.

Serve with lettuce.

Accompany with a hot sauce of any description.

Add some vermicelli noodles if you want some.



Lunch tomorrow

Shred any leftover lettuce then fill lunch containers half with vermicelli noodles, the other side with the leftovers from dinner.