Pork Sausage Rolls with Pickled Cabbage

Pork Sausage Rolls, 1eightykitchen weekly tip

Serves: 3

Prep Time: 40 mins

I’m a bit of a freestyler in the kitchen, I don’t often follow recipe’s myself because I like to create with what I have plus I often have a pretty sound idea in my head of what I want to make so I just get in and have a play. What I really hope is that the more familiar you get with my style of cooking the more comfortable you will become at freestyling on your own. Once you discover a solid base for a recipe you have a lot of freedom to create change with the comfort of knowing it is a tried and tested base that works. So you might notice that there will be similarities across recipes. For example, when I make meatballs or burger patties I use the same base mix of mince, eggs and oats, similar to this sausage roll filling, but pork is a much leaner mince than lamb and beef so to compensate for that I have added an xtra egg and some carrot for more moisture.


Anything to do with pastry in our house gets gobbled up so if you are someone who loves pastry and tomato this might not stretch for leftovers. I try to have restraint with food but this is a recipe that I will eat seconds on and enjoy. so I’m afraid we had no leftovers.

What you’ll need

500g Pork mince

1 small brown onion

3 cloves of garlic

4 sprigs of thyme plus extra to garnish

1 carrot

1 teaspoon of fennel seeds

1/2 cup of quick oats (I use oats because we always have them in the house if you prefer you can use breadcrumbs)

2 eggs

1/4 bunch flat leaf parsley

375g puff pastry (I’m using gluten free)

1/8 red cabbage

2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar

1 tablespoon of milk

From the pantry

olive oil

salt and pepper

tomato ketchup

Feeding Four

I think this dish would be substantial for four if you added green veg as well so I am including 1 broccoli and some green beans.


Preheat oven to 1eighty

Make Filling

Finely dice (brunoise) your onion and garlic, and roughly chop your thyme removing any large woody stalks.

Toast off your fennel seeds in a dry frypan for about a minute, then remove seeds and place in a mixing bowl.

Use that same fry pan to heat some oil, and saute the onion, garlic and thyme mix till nice and soft.

In your mixing bowl combine the onion mix with pork mince, eggs, oats, grated carrot and the fennel seeds and season really well.

Mix all together.

Pickle Cabbage

Finely shred cabbage and toss with vinegar, season with salt and pepper and set aside.

Toss occasionally.

Wrap Sausage Rolls

I’m using a ready rolled pastry brand called creme and only using two sheets which are lovely and thick so add more sheets if you need to depend on your brand.

Lay the two sheets beside each other slightly overlapped so that you now have one long piece.

Start at roughly a thumbs width away from the bottom edge of the pastry and use your hands to mould the mince mixture into a nice tight roll of sausage the whole length across the pastry. You want just one nice fat sausage roll.

Squeeze the mix so it evenly resembles a sausage then tuck and roll the pastry over and roll up tight.

Bend into a horseshoe shape, brush with milk and sprinkle with the extra thyme.

Bake for 20 minutes until the pastry is golden and flaky.

Chop parsley and toss through the cabbage. Drain off any excess vinegar and place in a serving bowl.

Serve the sausage roll on a large board with a nice chutney or some old school tomato sauce.
