Red Lentil Dahl with Chunky Tomato and Flatbreads

Red lentil dahl, 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 4

Time: Approx 35 minutes

I can eat a delish curry in any weather but there is something very satisfying about a nice hot bowl of curry on a cold winters night, it just makes you feel cozy on the inside. You know I like the vego curries because they take only a fraction of the cooking time to a meat curry. The dahl is a super easy dish to make when you want the scrumptious flavours without the lengthy effort. Tonight we had it with some flatbreads and a pop of fresh tomato and coriander but you could add rice and veg

Lunch Tomorrow

If you are just feeding two then you have plenty for lunch tomorrow and curry always tastes amazing the next day hot or cold I like it either way.

Choosing Flatbread

I have tried out a lot of the naans and flatbreads sold in the supermarket and the ones I like the most are actually the store brand,alot of the naans I find too doughy and the packet flat breads to plain and kinda old tasting. The woolies or coles brand i think taste the best due to freshness, you'll find them in a clear bag in the bakery section.

What you'll need

1 large brown onion

4 cloves of garlic

1 small piece of ginger

1 cup of dry red lentils

2 x400g can of whole peeled tomatoes

1 x 400g can of coconut milk

1 lemon

2 large fresh tomatoes

1/2 a bunch of coriander

2 long red chillies

1 packet of fresh flatbreads

4 tablespoons of natural yoghurt to garnish

From the pantry

1 tablespoon of coconut oil

1 large teaspoon of tumeric

1 teaspoon of ground cumin

1 teaspoon of ground coriander

1 teaspoon of chilli powder (go heavier if your hardcore)

2 teaspoons of curry powder

1 teaspoon of garam masala

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Cook Dahl

Peel the onion, garlic and ginger and dice up nice and small.

Heat a large heavy based dish like a casserole dish with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, once hot add the onion and garlic and ginger and saute till soft.

Add all the spices (see pantry list) and cook for 1 minute until aromatic. Add the lentils along with the tomatoes, crushing them by hand as you go and then two tins of cold water, this will give you the required liquid but also ensures you get all that good tomato from the can.

Bring up to the boil stirring as you go, then turn down to a simmer and cover with a lid for 25 minutes.

Remove the lid and stir in the coconut milk and season with salt and pepper.

Have a taste now and check the lentils are cooked, if not keep cooking gently and stir regularly till soft to the bite.

Once ready stir in the juice of your lemon.

Make Garnish

Cut the tomatoes into large chunky squares.

Finely slice the chillies.

Wash and roughly chop the coriander.

Combine all together.

Toast Flatbreads

You want to do this step just minutes before you are ready to eat.

Heat a large frypan with a small touch of coconut oil. Cook flat breads one at a time till nicely charred on the outside.

Plate it Pretty

Serve the dahl up into bowls. Splatter over the top with yoghurt, and sprinkle a handful of the garnish over each.

Fold the flatbreads into triangles and wedge into the sides of your bowl.

Best eaten with spoons.


red lentil dahl lunch.jpg

Lunch Tomorrow

A day old dahl is super delicious. You should have enough garnish and flatbread to have lunch exactly the same. mmmmm!