Pumpkin, Silverbeet and Goats Cheese Frittata with Simple Salad

Silverbeet Frittata, 1 eighty kitchen meal planner

Serves: 4

Time: 40 mins

A frittata can have almost anything put into it so if you have any stray vegetables hanging round in the bottom of the veggie drawer, or any loose herbs that haven’t been completely used, then cook them up and add to the mix. Same goes for old ends from cheese, I can’t imagine a cheese that wouldn’t work great.


A frittata is a dish that I find is delicious for breakfast lunch or dinner so leftovers are quite often scoffed down for breakfast.


What you'll need

1/4 Jap pumpkin

1/2 bunch of silverbeet

1 brown onion

2 cloves of garlic

Remainder of the goats cheese

8 eggs

300ml cream/milk or even water will work

1/2 bunch of coriander

100g mixed salad leaves

From the Pantry

balsamic vinegar

chilli oil or Kimchi

olive oil

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Pre heat Oven to 180c

Roast Pumpkin

Peel your pumpkin and remove the seeds then cut down into chunks about as thick as a whole walnut.

Toss with oil, salt and pepper and any old hard herbs that you might have in the fridge (or none).

Spread out evenly on an oven tray lined with paper and roast for approx. 20 mins, just long enough so that they have softened through.

Sauté Onion

Peel and roughly slice the onion and peel and finely chop your garlic.

In a large pan on high heat sauté with a tablespoon of oil till lightly golden.

Remove from the heat and pop the cooked onions in your frittata dish.

Cook Silverbeet

Strip the leaves off your silverbeet stalks.

Plunge into a sink of cold water and give them a good shaking to wash off any dirt and grime.

Shake off excess water, and roughly chop.

Use the onion pan and heat a tablespoon of oil on high heat.

Quickly toss your silverbeet till they are slightly wilted with a pinch of salt.

Add to the frittata dish.

Mix Eggs

Beat the eggs with your liquid and some salt and pepper.

Wash and roughly chop coriander, add to eggs.

Combine and Bake

Once the pumpkin has cooked, add to your dish.

Crumble through the goat's cheese.

Cover with the egg mix.

Bake till eggs are set; this will vary depending on the size of your dish. A large shallow dish will take about 10 minutes. A smaller deep dish will be closer to 20 minutes. The easiest way to check is to simply wobble the pan - if it is still wobbly then continue cooking - if it doesn't move and the centre feels firm to touch then you are ready to serve.

Plate it Pretty

Serve with simple salad. You could add any remaining watercress, radicchio or radishes, and drizzle with balsamic and olive oil.

This may sound strange but a chilli oil or kimchi works great as an accompaniment.

frittata lunch.jpg

Lunch tomorrow

Same same, no variations here (unless you eat yours for breakfast)