Sausage Rolls with Simple Slaw

Beef Sausage Rolls in Flaky Pastry, Sausage Rolls, with Kale Slaw, 1 eighty kitchen meal plans

Serves: 4

Time: 40 mins

You will all know me well enough now to know that not every day is a healthy day, sometimes we just need a touch of naughty without any loathing or guilt after dinner. There is something about the delicious buttery flaky goodness of pastry that just screams YUM. These rolls are irresistible and almost impossible to stop eating. If I am having something which would in my book be categorised as “naughty” then I like to go all out and really enjoy it. These sausage rolls are super sized, and work scrumptiously with any sauce, my personal favourite at the moment is called Stubbs BBQ.

Also I know I am fully capable of whipping up a delicious salad but I have another cheeky confession. Tonight’s salad is a packet slaw mix from the supermarket because I am a very busy mum who works a 45+ hour week and some days I just need to be lazy.


I find this mix makes 5 sausage rolls, you could stretch for 6 but then they wouldn’t be as big and juicy so 5 gives you 3 leftovers when feeding 2, and if feeding four there is a bonus extra to fight over.


What you'll need

500g regular full fat beef mince

500g sausage meat

1 small brown onion

2 carrots

1/4 bunch of flat leaf parsley

1/4 cup of quick oats

2 eggs

3 sheets of puff pastry

1 packet of kale slaw mix

1 bottle of stubbs original BBQ sauce

From the Pantry

1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika

1 teaspoon of fennel seeds

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Defrost Pastry

Remove the pastry from the freezer and carefully peel off three sheets of pastry and place on a clean, dry work surface to defrost.

Preheat oven to 200c

Make Sausage Roll Filling

Empty the mince and sausage meat into a large mixing bowl.

Peel and finely brunoise the onion. Peel and grate the carrot, then add to your meat along with the oats, one egg, smoked paprika and finely chopped parsley. Generously season with salt and pepper then mix all together well (I do this with my hands).

Divide the mixture into five even portions, place two portions at the base of one piece of pastry and form them into a nice large fat sausage. Roll the pastry up and over then sit it on the fold and cut into two sausage rolls.

Repeat this with the next piece of pastry. Then cut the final part of pastry in half and only fill one-half piece. Return the leftover half to the freezer.

Whisk the remaining egg with one tablespoon of cold water, then use a pastry brush to brush the egg mix onto the pastry of all the sausage rolls. Then place on a baking tray lined with paper.

Sprinkle over the top of each sausage roll with fennel seeds and pop into the oven to cook for 30 minutes

What's Brunoise

Brunoise is the french classic cookery term for finely diced. To achieve this, you slice the onion in half, using your knife to cut lengthways down along the grain lines. Then you carefully slice across the cut lines and the result is a nice fine dice.

Prepare Salad

Empty the packet into a mixing bowl along with the dressing and anything else which came in the bag. Sprinkle with sea salt flakes and some fresh cracked pepper. Toss all together once the sausage rolls are out of the oven.

Plate it Pretty

Cheat meals can still look cute, either tray up on a large board with a cooling rack like I have done. Place the salad on the side with a large dipping bowl of sauce. Or plate up individually with a nice handful of slaw off to the side of the roll and put sauce in a ramekin.


sausage roll leftovers.png

Lunch tomorrow

There are 5 sausage rolls so when feeding two you have enough leftovers, you can eat these cold but I find the cold pastry leaves a heavy greasy feeling so it’s better to warm them up in a microwave if you have one, even better if you have the time then give them a quick blast after in the oven at 200 for approx 5 minutes to give the soft pastry a little flakiness.