Smoked Trout Frittata with Green Salad

Smoked Trout Frittata, 1eighty kitchen, weekly meal plan

Serves: 4

Time: approx 40 minutes

Smoked fish is an ingredient that packs some serious weight in the flavour department, so you don’t always need a lot of it. Tonight’s dinner has large chunks of potato in it, if you want a low carb alternate then go for celeriac or swede as I find sweet potato and pumpkin are too rich in this dish.

Leftovers for Lunch

Lunch tomorrow is the same as dinner but take out your lunch salad before you mix through the dressing.

What you'll need

1 packet of smoked trout or salmon 150-170g

What kind of smoked trout?

For this dish you want to pick a large piece of smoked fish rather than the thin sliced cured pieces. I have used a whole side of smoked baby trout but a fillet piece of smoked salmon would also be great.

3 clean white potatoes skin or 1 celeriac

1 red onion

1/2 bunch of kale green or purple

3/4 bunch of dill

8 eggs

1/2 cup milk/cream or water

1/2 tub of Persian feta

1 bunch watercress

2 avocado

1/2 packet mung beans

1 lemon

From the pantry

sea salt flakes

cracked pepper

olive oil

Prep and Cook

Cook Potatoes

Cut your potatoes into roughly 8 pieces and place in a pot. Cover completely with cold water and a pinch of salt and bring up to the boil.

Cook for approx 10 minutes until soft right through.

Prep Filling

Peel and finely slice the red onion. Sauté in a frying pan with a touch of olive oil until soft.

Rip the kale leaves off the stalks and roughly chop, then add half of the kale to your sauteed onions and toss quickly until lightly wilted. Remove from heat.

Once your potatoes are cooked, strain and add to the onion mix along with your dill, roughly chopped.

Crack eggs into a bowl and mix with your choice of either milk, cream or water a good pinch of salt and some cracked pepper.

Rub oil around the base of your dish, I am using a deep oven-safe enamel dish which tends to cook pretty fast.

Add the veggie mix to the dish and flood the top with your egg mixture.

Flake pieces of trout over the top and crumble over the feta.

Check The Wobble

I don't always like to follow cooking times exactly because what you cook your fritatta in can greatly impact on the cooking time, if your using a cast iron pan for example the cook time will be longer, today im using enamel so the cook time is quick because the heat transfers faster. Instead to check how cooked the frittata is give your dish a shake to see how much of a wobble you get in the centre, if it wobbles a lot then the egg will still need cooking, if it hardly wobbles at all in the centre then you can take it out of the oven. As it rests the frittata will continue to cook so if you remove it just before it is completely hard you'll have a lovely soft consistency.

Bake in the oven for 20 minutes or until egg mix has set.

Prep Salad

Pick the tips and nice leaves off the watercress.

Wash in a bowl of cold water then take out with your hands and shake off excess water or put through a salad spinner.

Peel and slice avocado.

Combine the watercress with the remainder of your shredded kale, avocado and half the packet of mung beans in a mixing bowl.

Plate it Pretty

Squeeze lemon juice over the salad and sprinkle generously with sea salt flakes.

Serve large piles of salad up on individual plates and present the frittata in the middle of the table on a board with a serving spoon.


Lunch tomorrow

trout frittata lunch.jpg

Lighter dinners like this my husband tends to eat more of, so you might need to add some fruit or nuts to your lunches for tomorrow.