Sweet Potato Rosti with Prosciutto Salad

Sweet Potato Rosti with Proscuitto Salad and Poached egg, 1 eighty kitchen, meal plans

Serves: 2

Time: 35- 40 mins

There are many different ways to make rosti, traditionally you use potato and keep turning them over until they are golden delicious and cooked right through, but sweet potato doesn’t hold it’s shape so well and tends to fall apart, so I have a slightly different way of making them. With sweet potato, in order to make sure they are cooked without having to turn them over, I instead start by scrambling the mixture around in the pan until all the grated strands have turned a deep orange, then pressing it into shape and cooking them on one side before flipping it out of the pan like a pancake. Sounds tricky but give it a try - when that rosti lands back in the pan it is very satisfying. Don’t stress if it breaks, just squash it back together again.


This is just a two person meal if you want leftovers please add the ingredients from the lunch xtra’s list

What you'll need

2 medium sweet potatoes approx 600g

150g butter

2 tablespoons of cornflour

1 avocado

1 packet cherry tomatoes

8 slices of proscuitto

1/2 bunch of basil

2 eggs

From the Pantry

hot sauce

sea salt flakes and pepper

Feeding Four

To make this into dinner for four I have added 400g sweet potato and 75g butter along with an extra avocado and more tomato.


Make Rosti

Peel and grate the sweet potato (you can either use a hand grater or food processor).

Season generously with salt, then let sit for 5-10 minutes.

Use your hands to squeeze all the liquid out of the sweet potatoes (it pays to do this over the sink) then return to a bowl.

Melt the butter, then pour just the clarified butter (top dark yellow section) over the sweet potato, leaving the buttermilk (the bottom white section) to be discarded.

Add the cornflour and season with salt and pepper and mix together.

Heat a small omelette pan on a medium to high heat and add 1/2 of the mix and scramble it around with a spatular until all the potato has turned a deep orange colour.

Pat the mixture down into the pan to form a cake and let it cook for 3 minutes to form a crust after two minutes carefully have a little look to see how cooked the base looks you want it to be forming a crunchy base so if needed you can flip it earlier.

Give the pan a wobble to make sure the mixture will slide and quickly flip the rosti out of the pan like you would a pancake. Don’t stress if it falls apart on you just pat it back into shape; practice makes perfect. If you want you can flip it again in another two minutes or turn it out onto a baking tray lined with paper.

Repeat with the second half of the rosti mix. Then pop into the oven to cook for 20 minutes.

Cook Eggs

While the rosti cooks, get a pot of water on to boil. Once boiling very carefully place two eggs still in their shells in the pot and cook for 6 minutes. Strain and cover with cold water, then peel.

Prep Salad

Line an oven tray with baking paper and lay out the proscuitto avoiding any over lapping.

Place in the oven to cook for 3 minutes, turn after 3 minutes and cook again but only until crispy. Once crispy remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Slice tomatoes in half, and wash and pick basil leaves.

Slice avocado in half, remove the stone, and peel off the skin.

Plate it Pretty

When your rosti are cooked place each one on a plate.

Crumble the proscuitto and mix it with the basil and tomato and pile over the top left hand side of the rosti.

Place your avocado on the rosti to the left of the salad and your soft boiled egg along side.

Drizzle with a touch of olive oil and sprinkle with sallt and pepper.


Perfect any time

This is a dish that I think works for any meal of the day, you can prep the rosti's in advance and just reheat in the oven to save time.

Lunch tomorrow

Lentil curry lunch leftovers

If you are a fan of tuna and avocado then you will love these tasty goodies, super easy to make. Check out the recipe here or just freestyle it, tuna with mayo, celery, corn and seasoning.