Sweetcorn Burger Stack

Sweetcorn Veggie Patties, smashed avo and siracha 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 4

Time: approx 30 minutes

Sweetcorn fritters have that nice nostalgic feeling to them because they remind me of being a kid, I remember my mum used to make them all the time when we were little. Today I am mixing them up a little and turning the sweetcorn fritter into a burger stack. In all honesty, I wasn’t too sure if they were going to work as a veggie pattie but these little babies actually turned out really good. I think it helps that I went with classic flavours, avocado smash always tastes pretty good with sweetcorn fritters, and a bit of siracha gives them a good kick. In order to get them to hold the shape I have used a touch more flour than normal as an afterthought polenta would have been a good addition.

Lunch Tomorrow

 This is a dinner for four so when just two lunch leftovers are the exact same.

What you'll need

1 x 400g corn kernels

1 x 400g creamed corn

3 eggs

1/2 a bunch of coriander

1 small bag of baby rocket

1 large avocado

1 lime

4 seeded sourdough rolls

2 tablespoons of butter

1 cucumber

Gherkins to garnish

From the pantry

2 tablespoons of mayo

1 cup of self-raising flour

1 large pinch of chilli flakes (optional)


olive oil

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Preheat the oven to 1eighty degrees

Make Fritters

Drain the corn kernels and empty into a mixing bowl along with the creamed corn, flour, eggs and some salt and pepper.

Trial and Error

A wet fritter mix has the tendency to absorb the flour as it sits so if your mix goes sloopy just add a little more flour and a tiny bit more salt and pepper.

Wash and roughly shred the coriander and add to the corn mix along with a good pinch of chilli flakes.

Mix well to combine.

On a medium to high heat, heat a large heavy based frypan with enough oil to generously coat the whole bottom of the pan.

You want your fritter mix to be a little bit tacky not thin like pancakes, it needs to hold its shape a little.

Spoon mix into the pan making each fritter large enough to fill your buns. Cook each side for 3 minutes until lightly golden brown. Repeat till all the mix has been finished.

Smash Avo

Peel the avocado and scoop the flesh into a bowl, add the juice of 1 lime and a good pinch of salt and pepper. Roughly smash with a fork and check the seasoning, (I always find that avocado takes a lot of salt and pepper so don’t be shy)

Toast Buns

Cut the buns in half and butter the insides, then place on a tray with baking paper and pop into the oven to toast for 5 minutes. You don’t want them to get too crunchy just a nice light toasting for texture.

Plate it Pretty

These are a grab and eat straight away dinner so I have gone with a wooden board to serve.

Slice the cucumber nice and thin. Top the bottoms of the buns with rocket, then the smashed avocado place crispy cooked fritters on top then the pickles, siracha sauce and top with the cucumber. Finish with some mayo on the tops of the buns and eat straight away.


Lunch Tomorrow

When the recipe has enough for four, then lunch for tomorrow is super easy just make up the xtra’s as you go and hey presto your all sorted for the day.