Choc Dipped Frozen Bananas

Am I just a little bit crazy???? Or should these only be a summertime treat? Or maybe I’m just dreaming of summer and wishing the cold away????

One of my favourite things to do (when there is quiet in the house) is to research recipe ideas. But I am a mother with a very active toddler, and working part-time, not to mention blogging, managing a website, trying to keep the house in order, feeding the family, squeezing in a few sessions at the gym, play dates, endless piles of washing and dishes I fucking hate doing dishes!!!(the list could go on and on if it wasn't for my brain freeze) Well, life doesn’t allow for much sitting around reading food magazines anymore. I do still manage to squeeze in the Instagram trawling every few days. And currently, they are enjoying gorgeous weather in the northern hemisphere, so tasty summertime treats are everywhere on my feed

These are a little treat which I am onto my third batch off thinking they would be a yummy treat for my son, which have turned into a regular treat for mum.

Give them a try and maybe you will add them to your list of new addictions. I like them with salted peanuts cause the sweet and salty works for me, but the original image that grabbed me was done I think with roasted macadamias (a lot more expensive than peanuts).

What You’ll Need

6 Ripe banannas (no trace of green on the skin you want lovely deep yellow ones but also not with brown spots)

1 block of dark chocolate

1/2 cup roasted peanuts salty or plain

12 ice block sticks

Beef Ragu with creamy mashed potatoes

Delicious Chocolate

What I really wanted was to use carob chocolate but I couldn't find it anywhere so dark chocolate is a great option because it has less sugar than the milk chocolate varieties.


This recipe doesn’t really need much instructions.

Peel bananas and slice in half. stick an ice block stick into the cut end of each banana then pop onto a tray lined with paper and freeze for 1 hour.

Melt chocolate down in a heat proof bowl.

Roughly chop peanuts.

Take the frozen bananas and dip into the chocolate then roll in the peanuts.

Return to freezer to set.

Once set transfer to an airtight container but store in the freezer.

Eat anytime.