Turmeric Protein Balls

Do you find you go through waves of going all out with ingredients and then forget all about them later? I am forever doing this (quiet possibly because I have gone OTT on them) At the moment I am having a bit of a revival with my love for Turmeric.

It began recently when I started drinking Turmeric Latte’s, which I have to admit sounded really over the top to me and I originally put them in the too cool for school category of never going there. But, turns out they are frickin delicious!!!! and caffeine free which is perfect for little old me as caffeine makes me a touch cray cray.

So Turmeric has started to creep back in this week, I have Turmeric in the lamb curry so I thought it might be fun to try out some Turmeric protein balls seen as I have lots of it at the moment. This recipe is very fast to do you just need to pop everything into a food processor, and roll into balls. Then the challenge is not to eat them all on the same day…..heheheh but all within a few days is ok right????

What You’ll Need

12 Medjool dates

2 tablespoons coconut oil

1 cup rolled oats

1/2 cup of raw almonds

2 tablespoons chia seeds

2 tablespoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice

1 tablespoon maple syrup

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1/2 cup desiccated coconut

Beef Ragu with creamy mashed potatoes

Why Choose Medjool Dates

The texture is what sells it for me and the lovely caramel flavour, but you can use the standard pitted dates you find in the supermarket, I would do 20 dates instead and soak them in boiling water to soften. And if you are wondering, if dates are healthy????? I would be tempted to say no as they have a really high sugar content, the difference however between the two is medjool dates contain less sucrose. But They are still a healthy option compared to a slice of cake right 😉


Place almonds in a food processor and pulse to a chunky crumb.

Remove stones from your dates and add to the food processor.

Melt coconut oil and add to the dates along with the oats, chia seeds, lemon juice and maple syrup and the Tumeric.

Blitz until well combined.

Roll into small balls and toss in the coconut. (keep any leftover coconut to go into jars of overnight oats)

Store in the fridge. Will keep for up to two weeks.