Chocolate protein balls

Serves: 20 balls

chocolate protein balls, 1eightykitchen weekly recipe

To much of a good thing can turn into a bad thing, so try and just do max 2 balls a day.



What you’ll need

200g raw almonds (soak first for a few hours in cold water)

150g deseeded medjool dates

2 tablespoons cacao powder

150g organic coconut oil

150g organic butter

1 tablespoon cinnamon

100g desicated coconut plus extra for rolling

small piece of fresh grated ginger

Snacks on the go

These are a fabulous little protein boost for when your on the go, and storing them in the freezer will mean you won't be grabbing one every time you open the fridge door.

Prep and Cook

In a pot melt the butter and coconut oil, then whisk in the cacao powder.

Put the remaining ingredients into a food processor and pulse til crumbly.

Add melted ingredients and pulse to combine.

Remove from the food processor and place in a bowl to in the fridge to harden for approx 30 minutes. (this will make them easier to roll)

Remove from fridge and roll into balls about the size of a walnut shell.

Toss through coconut.

Store in an air tight container in the freezer.
