Clean out the stores salad

Grain salad

I quiet often find myself with lots of small amounts of leftover grains that aren’t quiet enough to use for a meal, so a great way to clean up the pantry of all those odds and ends is to make one big mixed grain salad. Today mine is quiet simply grains, nuts and old herbs.

What you’ll need

Any odd ends of packets like brown rice or quinoa or barley or buckwheat etc

Nuts and seeds of any description

Leftover leafy herbs that are hanging around the bottom of the fridge draw

Anything else you might want to use up like celery or capsicum or carrot or broccoli anything at all.


Cook grains

This will require a lot of pots as they all cook differently, so follow the packet instructions for each one and remember to weigh out the grain first.

Leave to cool once cooked.

Toast nuts and seeds

This can be done either in a fry pan or in the oven.

Refresh herbs

If your herbs are looking a little worse for wear try plunging them into a bowl of cold water and letting them sit for a while.

And if your other random ingredients are a little on the soft side I would recommend giving them a quick fry off once you have cut them up.

Don’t forget to season.

Combine everything together and season well.