Beetroot Burgers

Beetroot burgers 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: Makes 4 patties

Time: 60+ mins

It was the fabulous colour of the beetroot pattie that really drew me in when I found this recipe, but I was very happy when I tried them to find that they actually turn out like the photo and taste good as well.


If you want the entire burger for your lunch you’ll need to buy 4 rolls as I have only allowed for 2.

Charcoal brioche buns

I have never been a fan of the brioche bun on a burger, they are way too sweet for my liking. In honesty I only initially went with these buns for the visual appeal, but the charcoal helps cut that sweetness so they actually work really well. I found mine in Coles in the bread aisle.

What you'll need

1 kg sweet potatoes

1 tablespoon of cornflour

2 large beetroot

1/2 a cup of quinoa

1 egg

2 cloves of garlic

1/4 cup of breadcrumbs or almond meal

4 large field mushrooms

1 large avocado

1 lemon

2 charcoal brioche buns

1 bag of baby spinach

Vegenaise or mayo

From the pantry

sea salt and pepper

olive oil

coconut oil

Prep and Cook

Preheat Oven to 200c

This is a very involved dinner so unfortunately not a quick throw together. I would recommend you read through the instructions first.

Cook Quinoa

Rinse your quinoa under cold water then place into a small pot with a cup of water and a pinch of salt, bring up to the boil and place lid on (ordinarily I get you to cook the quinoa with the lid off but as it’s a smaller quantity I find the water boils off too fast with the lid off).

When your water is almost all gone turn the pot off and leave to steam.

Peel and Cook Beetroot

Peel your beets and cut into quarters.

Place in a pot and cover completely with cold water, bring up to the boil and continue cooking till soft right through.

Once cooked run under cold water.

While the beets cook…….

Prep Sweet Potato

Peel your sweet potato and cut down into nice chunky chips.

Place sweet potato in a bowl and run them under cold water to wash off the excess starch, then drain and layout on a clean tea towel to dry. Pat dry if needed.

Prep Mushrooms

Roughly chop garlic cloves, and mix in a small cup with 1/4 cup of olive oil.

Line an oven tray with baking paper and place mushrooms on. Evenly cover with garlic oil, season well and roast for 15 minutes.

Remove from oven once cooked.

Cook Sweet Potato Fries

Toss your dry sweet potatoes with a tablespoon of cornflour then toss with olive oil, season really well with salt and pepper and layout on an oven tray with baking paper and roast for 30 minutes.

Turn after 30 minutes and cook for a further 15 minutes.

Mix Avocado

Smash your avo with the juice of a whole lemon, we want it quite zesty, and season well with salt and pepper.

Make Patties

Empty quinoa into a mixing bowl and give it a good stir to let out any excess heat.

Measure your cooked beets, you’ll be wanting two cups of cooked beetroot. Any excess set aside to go with lunch for tomorrow.

Pulse in a food processor lightly, you are keeping it a touch chunky as you want a bit of texture.

Remove from food processor and put into a sieve, squeeze out excess liquid.

Add beetroot to the quinoa, along with the breadcrumbs, egg and season really well.

Mix everything together. You want your ingredients to bind (hold) together (it’s a good idea to cook up a little tester first)… here is the tricky thing about cooking and where it helps to be someone who cooks to feel - you want your patties to hold their shape, if they are too dry add egg, if they are too wet add breadcrumbs. Be careful not to get carried away adding too many breadcrumbs or they will end up dry.

Use wet hands to mold into 4 patties about the thickness of your thumb.

Cook Patties

Once your sweet potato goes back in the oven you can begin to cook your patties.

Heat a large non-stick fry pan that is oven safe with two tablespoons of coconut oil. You want a hot pan but don’t cook these patties on a full high heat. I go medium to high so it’s hot but gentle.

Carefully fry each side for 2-3 minutes or until lightly crisp, then top with the mushrooms and pop in the oven to finish for 5 minutes.

Slice Buns

Pop in the oven quickly to toast lightly.

Spread the bottom bun with vegenaise then a small handful of baby spinach.

Spread the top bun with avocado.

Complete Your Tower

Add the beetroot pattie and mushroom, pop the top on and serve with the sweet potato fries.

Well done - you made it.


Photo 19-12-18, 6 24 23 pm.jpg

Lunch tomorrow

Lunch is more like a naked veggie burger salad……I had some old feta in the fridge so it jazzed it up a bit.

oh and Hubby is getting a chia pudding.