Bangers and Mash

Bangers and mash 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 4

Time: 30 mins

We eat this dinner a lot in our house because sometimes we just need good old bangers and mash and a mindless dinner (by that I simply mean a dinner you can make without needing to think) and comfort food never gets old.


Leftovers depends totally on how many sausages you get, so if you’re a comfort food fan I suggest you double up.

Go Top Shelf

Sausages are sooo bloody cheap so why not buy the best?

What you'll need

1.2 kg sweet potatoes (4 medium sized)

25g + 1 tablespoon of butter

Radicchio or rocket

2 brown onions

8 or more sausages

From the pantry

sea salt and pepper

olive oil

1 cup of red wine

Prep and Cook

Cook Potatoes

Peel the skins off your sweet potatoes and cut up into large even pieces. Put in a large pot and cover completely with water and a pinch of salt and bring up to the boil.

Cook till soft; when you are able to poke through with a fork.

While Your Potatoes are Cooking

Peel onions and slice into even rings.

Heat a good non stick pan with a tablespoon of oil.

Add onions and work continuously with a spoon until the onions have broken down and started to go a nice caramel colour.

Turn heat down and add the red wine, simmer gently.

Fry Sausages

This could be done on the BBQ or in the oven depending on personal preference.

Cook sausages till perfect. I like mine to be almost charred but still juicy on the inside so I cook at a very high heat but turn regularly.

Mash Potatoes

Drain the sweet potatoes and allow them to steam off the excess moisture by shaking the heat out.

Return to the dry pot and add butter.

I like to have my sweet potato smooth so I use a stick blender to ‘mash’ until creamy.

Finish Onions

When the wine has reduced right down to almost nothing, add a tablespoon of butter and season really well.

Plate it Pretty

Spoon the mash into bowls, top with sausages then pile on the onions and garnish with the radicchio or rocket.


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Lunch Tomorrow

Did you have enough for leftovers? Or did you buy extra sausages? I’m a pretty big eater when it comes to comfort food. You could need a sammie today.