Roasted Chicken and Buckwheat Noodle Salad

Roasted Chicken and Buckwheat Noodle Salad, 1 eighty kitchen, meal plans

Serves: 4

Time: 20 mins

You can’t beat a good cheat night dinner and this one is super quick and super tasty. I will confess (you may have heard me say this before) I am very partial to a cooked chook, and tonight’s dinner is the perfect example of time and place. You could totally whole roast your own but then this dinner would end up taking hours.


Lunch tomorrow is exactly the same as dinner.

What you'll need

1 whole cooked chook

1 packet of buckwheat soba noodles

1 small bag of baby spinach

1 Lebanese cucumber

1/2 bunch red radishes

1/8 approx red cabbage

1 small piece of ginger

1 lime

hot chilli sauce (optional)

From the pantry

soy sauce

1 teaspoon of sesame seeds

sesame oil (optional)

olive oil

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Cook Noodles

Place a large pot of water on to boil with a pinch of salt. Once the water is boiling drop your noodles in stirring them as you do so that they don’t stick.

Cook for 6 minutes, till al dente. Then strain into a colander and run cold water over till the noodles are cold.

Toss with a little sesame oil and season with salt.

Prep Veg

Shred cabbage and run under cold water to avoid colour leeching (you don’t need to do this if the presentation isn’t essential).

Slice cucumber and radishes into circles.

Mix Dressing

Peel and grate ginger, combine with the juice of 1 lime into a small jar and add 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Season well.

Toast sesame seeds gently in a small pan on high heat, keep the seeds moving and remove from heat as soon as they start to golden lightly. The heat from the pan will continue to cook the seeds so empty straight away into a small dish or add to the dressing.

Shred Chicken

Rip the chicken up into bite sized pieces, it’s easiest to peel all the meat away from the bone while the meat is still warm.

Plate it Pretty

I like to group my ingredients all separately so I started with the spinach then work my way around the bowl in a clockwise motion. Once you have filled all the veggies you can finish with the noodles as these are able to fill the empty void the best.

Drizzle with dressing and serve with soy sauce; I find a splash of hot chilli sauce works fabulously.


Cooked Chook Lunch.jpg

Lunch Tomorrow

Lunch the next day is exactly the same as dinner. This one is a great traveller and it won’t damage if you pre dress, just try and put all the dressing on the noodles and mix it once ready to eat.