Lentil Pot Pie with Cauliflower Top

Lentil pot pie with cauliflower top 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 4 

Time: 50-60 mins

This is a very veggie variation on a classic where the meat has been replaced with lentils and potatoes swapped out for cauliflower. It is a favourite in our house but one that hasn’t been revisited for a while it is heavy enough to provide that yummy comfort factor but light enough that it won't leave you feeling like you have overindulged which ticks all my boxes. I’m often pretty lazy in the kitchen so forgive me but we mostly eat this by itself, but if you want some added roughage a simple bag of mixed leaf works perfectly.


I love this as a leftover and actually prefer it cold. Simply pop it into lunch boxes and into the fridge.

Today hubby is also getting my chia puddings and protein balls.

What you'll need

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 brown onion

3 garlic cloves

Half a bunch of fresh oregano

2 tins whole peeled tomatoes

2 tins brown lentils

1 small bag baby spinach

1 large cauliflower

1/4 red wine (optional)

From the pantry

Parmesan cheese

 25g butter

olive oil

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Preheat Oven To 180c

Cook Sauce

Finely dice onion and 3 cloves of garlic, roughly chop the oregano.

In a large pot or casserole dish dry toast your cumin seeds. This will take a couple of minutes, you will know they are done when they begin to give off a beautiful aroma and darken slightly.

Add a tablespoon of olive oil and then sauté your onion, garlic and oregano till they are just starting to turn a light golden colour. The longer you cook your onions, the better the flavour.

If you are using red wine add a big generous splash (1/4 cup) and allow it to bubble till it’s reduced by half.

Add your tinned tomatoes crushing them by hand as you go, then swill each can out with roughly 1/4 cup of water and add to the pot (this makes sure you get all of your tomatoes out and also has your tins ready for recycling…double hit).

Season generously, boil for 5 mins then turn down to a simmer.

While that’s cooking….

Cook Cauliflower

Chop cauliflower down to large chunky florets and put into a large pot. Cover completely with water, add a pinch of salt and bring up to the boil.

Cook till soft.

Strain off all the water and add your butter.

Smash with a wooden spoon till nice and small so it looks similar to a mash.

Check Sauce

You want a lovely thick rich flavour and make sure it is well seasoned as lentils are going to take a lot of that flavour away, allow to cook a little longer if needed.

Add the lentils and half a bag of baby spinach, mix well then spoon into an oven dish.

Top With Mash

Spoon cauliflower mix on top then grate over some parmesan cheese and bake till golden approx 15-20mins.


Lunch tomorrow

Divide your leftovers into two lunch boxes ready for tomorrow’s lunch. If available to reheat do so but personally I prefer this dish cold.