Grilled Peaches with fresh Mozzarella and Prosciutto Salad

Grilled peaches with fresh mozzarella and prosciutto salad 1eighty kitchen weekly meal plan

Serves: 2

Time: approx 15 mins

This is my ideal recipe for a simple Friday night dinner when you feel like a nibble but not a whole meal. It’s best shared on a night when you would quite like to go out but can't be bothered. Enjoy over a bottle of wine and eat with your fingers; that way you can wrap all the components together into one deliciously light mouthful.


This is the ultimate lazy night dinner but because it is so delicious there are no leftovers!


What you'll need

120g packet of baby rocket

3 perfectly ripe not too soft peaches

2 bunch of asparagus

12 slices prosciutto

1 tub fresh burrata or mozzarella 

From the pantry

olive oil

Sea salt

A drizzle of balsamic glaze (optional)

Option for Veggo’s

extra asparagus

extra peaches


Quality is so important

There is no substitute for quality especially when purchasing items such as prosciutto. I cannot stress enough that you want to buy fresh from a good delior have them slice it for you in the supermarket. Prepackaged pre sliced proscuitto is often hard and waxy and the flavour not as great. If you don't have the time to go to a deli and are ordering online then it is often possible to select the fresh sliced option from the supermarket deli counter.

Prep and Cook

Grill asparagus

Use a griddle pan on high heat, if you have one or otherwise just a normal fry pan will do.

Snap the hard stalk ends off your asparagus.

Lightly toss asparagus in olive oil with some salt and pepper.

Line your asparagus up on your hot griddle and cook each side till nice and charred.

While asparagus is cooking

Slice peaches in half and remove the stones.

Slice each half into 3 pieces.

Grill Peaches

Once you have removed the asparagus, wipe down the griddle using a well oiled paper towel.

Lightly rub one side of the peach with oil (if you have an olive oil spray this would work perfectly). We are only going to grill one side of the peach.

Lay peaches down on your smoking hot griddle pan. The objective is nice dark lines on the flesh of your peach, the darker the better for flavour.

When the peaches are ready they will pull away easily. If they are a bit stuck leave for longer otherwise you will spoil the presentation.

Wash rocket

Toss lightly with olive oil and a good pinch of sea salt.

Layer salad

I always think of the visual aspect of a dish when I'm making it. Some salads look great tossed, some don't. Start with a few spears of asparagus scattered around the board or plate.

Leave a space to put the burrata or mozzarella.

Carefully scatter at least 6 pieces of peach.

Add a handful of rocket to the plate.

Ribbon over some prosciutto (I like to work in 3's with the prosciutto).

Continue like this until all your ingredients have been used.

Best eaten with your fingers!




Lunch tomorrow

It’s Saturday tomorrow!!! Have the night off x