Pulled Pork Taco Bowls

Pulled Pork, taco bowl, 1 eighty kitchen meal plans

Serves: 2 - 4

Time: 5 hours

Sometimes I think putting up that a dish is going to take 5 hours might seem a bit scary but please don’t be scared of this one it is sooooooooo easy to get into the oven and then it really just cooking and doing its thing with a little bit of salad prep at the end. And this pork is so moreish it keeps really well so the whole recipe only makes enough for two. But the pork produces enough for leftovers a couple of times so you can make the lunch leftovers and save the rest for a rainy day in the freezer. Suggestion pulled pork pizza on a Sunday night mmmmm mmmm heck yeah!


The options are endless with what to do for lunch I have gone a little Delux for the hubby and made pulled pork quesadilla with some lettuce on the side but you could do wraps or another salad.

A Glass or Bowl?

I have used what I think are two small glass vases that I found in our local $2 dollar shop (although I think they were 6.75? each nothing is every really $2 in there).You can do this in bowls or really large glasses if you have any. Or it might look cool in one big glass bowl.


What you'll need

1.3 kg pork scotch fillet

2 red chillies

4 cloves of garlic

700ml of lager (beer)

1 large avocado

2 truss tomatoes

1 small red pepper

1 small green pepper

1 iceberg lettuce

1 lemon

1 small red onion

1 long green chilli

From the Pantry

2 tablespoons of smoked paprika

1 teaspoon of ground cumin

olive oil

salt and pepper

Optional Xtra For Lunch


Feeding Four?

You have a lot of ingredients already in the recipe that will stretch to four I have just added an xtra avocadom and two more tomatoes.

Prep and Cook

Preheat Oven to 150 Degrees Celcius

Seal of Pork

Peel and finely chop the garlic and finely dice the chillies. Mix together with the smoked paprika and cumin and rub all over the pork. Season with salt and pepper then slice the pork in half lengthways and chop into 8-10 large pieces.

Heat a large casserole dish that has a tight-fitting lid with 1 tablespoon of oil.

Seal the pork off on every side, doesn’t need to be for too long, then cover with the beer pop the lid on and into the oven for 4 hours to cook.

After 3 hours remove from the oven, take off the lid and use a couple of forks to gently shred the pork. turn the oven up to 180 and pop back into the oven with the lid off to cook for 1 hour. Check occasionally. You want the liquid to almost cook away completely and the exposed pork to start crisping up lightly.

Prep Salad

Finely shred approx 1/4 of the iceberg and fill your dish.

Roughly dice the tomatoes, peppers, red onion and half of your coriander and mix with some salt and pepper, load on top of the lettuce.

Peel and dice the avocado and roughly chop the remaining coriander, mix with oil and salt and pepper. and place to the side.

Finely slice the green chilli.

Plate it Pretty

Your taco bowls are almost complete you just need to add the pulled pork, then top with the avocado and a scattering of green chilli.


Lunch tomorrow

Your options are pretty endless you could do another salad with all the leftover ingredients or make a roll or a wrap or even quesadillas.