Roast Veggie Wraps with Hummus and Beetroot Chips

Roasted Veggie Wraps , Hummus, Beetroot Chips, 1 eighty kitchen meal plans

Serves: 4

Time: 30 minutes

I know you hear me say this a lot, but these dinners are literally what we eat every night, so for me it’s not always about creating dishes that are new and something you will never have seen before, it’s more about having variety in every week so yes a roasted veggie wrap might be something you can think up on your own, and might not need to follow the instructions with but then isn’t that part of the beauty. It’s a no brainer meal that you can say hey perfect I can do that one without much thought but might not have otherwise thought to make when wandering around the supermarkets. If you need a bit more protein but don’t want to add more work to the dish pick up a half cooked chook shred the meat and mix through some vegenaise.


There is enough leftovers for two more wraps but I don’t advise building your lunch wraps, the mountain bread is thin so by tomorrow will be soggy. Instead, take all the ingredients separate and wrap when needed.

Any Wrap Of Choice

We eat a lot of wraps in our house, my husband especially so it's nice to mix it up with a bit of variety. The mountain wraps are great for a different texture and aren't so bready.


What you'll need

1/2 a butternut pumpkin

2 sprigs of rosemary

1 bunch of kale

4 zucchini

1 red pepper

1 yellow pepper

2 beetroot

1 packet of chia mountain bread wraps

200g of hummus

1/2 a lemon

From the Pantry

1/2 a teaspoon of chilli flakes

1 tablespoon of coconut oil

2 tablespoons of olive oil

salt and pepper

Prep and Cook

Preheat Oven to 200 Degrees Celcius

Roast Veggies

Cut the skin off the pumpkin and remove the seeds. Slice the pumpkin into pieces about the thickness of your small finger. Toss with oil and salt and pepper and spread out evenly on an oven tray lined with paper.

Roughly chop the rosemary and sprinkle over the pumpkin then pop into the oven to roast for 15 minutes. You want the pumpkin to be firm enough to hold it’s shape but soft to the bite.

Slice peppers in half and remove the seeds then cut each half into 3 pieces.

Cut the top and tail off the zucchini and slice into thin lengths approximately half as thick as your pumpkin was. Combine the peppers and zucchini together in the old pumpkin bowl and toss lightly with oil and season with salt and pepper.

Spread out on an oven tray lined with paper and pop into the oven to roast for 15 minutes.

Fry Kale

Strip your kale off the stalks and plunge into a bowl of cold water and give the leaves a good wash. Drain off the water. Heat a large frypan with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil add your kale and fry for 1-2 minutes until everything has slightly wilted and turned a brighter green. Sprinkle with chilli flakes and season well with salt and pepper. Squeeze over the juice of half a lemon and toss well. Remove from the heat.

Build Wraps

Lay your wraps out flat and spread hummus down the centre of each wrap, top with kale then your roast veggies. Roll up and serve with beetroot or sweet potato chips and eat straight away.

Beetroot Chips

If you are making your own, heat 1 cup of oil in a cast iron pot. Use a potato peeler to first peel off the skin, then peel strips off the beetroot. Carefully fry the beetroot off in small batches and remove carefully from the hot oil with a slotted spoon and place on dry paper towels. Season with sea salt flakes. Or you can cheat and buy a the brand "vege" chips who do a really yummy purple sweet potato chip.


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Lunch tomorrow

Because the wraps are thin I find it easier to build as needed to avoid them getting soggy and falling apart.