Stuffed Mushrooms with Goats Cheese and Macadamia Crumble

Stuffed Mushrooms, 1 eighty kitchen meal plan

Serves: 4

Time: 30 - 60 mins

There is a bit of work involved in these tasty little mess bombs, but if you did some prep ahead, tonight should be relatively faster. But I would suggest that you have a quick read over the method first as you can be doing multiple tasks at once throughout the recipe.



Depending on how hungry you were there should be enough for two leftovers each.


What you'll need

10 large field mushrooms

2 garlic cloves

3/4 cup of barley (I’m using barley because I had some hanging about in my cupboard but you could swap this for any other grain)

1/4 Jap pumpkin

120g goats cheese

2/3 a bunch of kale

1 red onion

200g macadamia nuts

1/4 bunch of flat leaf parsley

Salad leaves

From the pantry

olive oil

salt and pepper

balsamic vinegar

Optional Extras for Lunch

4 mandarins

Did you plan ahead?

Pull out your cooked barley and roasted pumpkin.

Prep and Cook

Preheat oven to 180c

Just in case, lets start with the plan ahead items.

Cook Barley

Combine the barley with 3 cups of water in a large pot, add a good pinch of water and bring up to the boil.

Keep an eye on the pot in the beginning as it will foam up a bit.

Once boiling turn down to simmer gently for 20 minutes.

You want barley to be soft but still have some texture, remove from heat and strain off the water.

Roast Pumpkin

Peel and remove the seeds from your pumpkin.

Cut into small squares about the size of your thumb then toss in oil with a little salt and pepper and spread out evenly on an oven tray lined with baking paper.

Bake for 15 minutes until soft.

Roast Mushrooms

Pop the stalks out of the centre of your mushrooms and lay the mushrooms out on an oven tray lined with baking paper.

Finely chop two garlic cloves and sprinkle over your mushrooms.

Generously drizzle over the mushrooms with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Roast in the oven for 15 minutes.

Shred Kale

Strip kale leaves off the stem and discard the stems, then roughly shred your kale.

Heat a large frying pan on high heat with 1 tablespoon of oil. Toss the kale in the hot pan just long enough that it starts to change colour and wilt.

Cook Onions

Peel your red onion and finely slice.

Using the same pan that you had your kale in, heat 1 teaspoon of oil and sauté your onion till soft.

Mix all Together

Combine the barley, pumpkin, kale and red onion in a large mixing bowl with roughly chopped basil and crumble through the goats cheese.

Mix well to combine, it will go a bit mushy, but that’s ok.

Taste your mix and if needed add more salt and pepper.

Bake Mushrooms

Evenly distribute the mixture across all the mushrooms.

Roughly chop your macadamias and chopped parsley and combine, then sprinkle generously over the tops.

Bake for 15-20 minutes.

Plate it Pretty

Serve 2-3 large mushrooms on each plate along with a large handful of salad leaves. Very lightly splash over a touch of balsamic vinegar on your leaves. For a dish this rich I don’t find you need a substantial salad, just a little something to nibble on to cut the richness.

Lunch Tomorrow

stuffed mushrooms lunch.jpg

Lunch tomorrow is just two mushrooms each, personally I’m not too keen on cold mushrooms so I would suggest you heat them a bit in a microwave and perhaps add a piece of fruit to cleanse the mouth - mandarins are great at the moment.