Sweet Potato Fritters with Labneh and Kale Slaw

Sweet potato fritters, 1 eighty kitchen meal plan

Serves: 4

Time: 30mins

Sweet potato fritters can be done in a couple of different ways, they can be more like a rosti and very crispy, but also very oily. Or you can do them in the more traditional fritter style with eggs and flour. We are going more traditional but the trick with these fritters is the low slow cooking because it is very important that you don’t end up with soggy gooey centres and an overcooked outside.



Leftovers are almost exactly the same but no salad, just avocado instead.

What you'll need

2 large sweet potatoes approx 800g in total

5 eggs

2/3 cup of besan flour

1/4 bunch flat leaf parsley

1 tub labneh

2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds

1/3 bunch of kale

1 pommegranate

From the Pantry

1 cup of olive oil

salt and pepper

Optional Extras for Lunch

2 eggs

1 avocado

Prep and Cook

Grate Sweet Potato

Peel your sweet potato, then to grate them I find the fastest and easiest way to do this is to use a food processor with a grater function.

Once your sweet potato is grated you want to hand squeeze it all to remove excess juice (this is extremely important so that you don’t have soggy fritters), then salt it all generously and leave to sit for around 15 minutes; the salt will draw more moisture out of the sweet potato.

After 15 minutes squeeze the sweet potato again really well and transfer to a mixing bowl.

Prep Salad

Strip the kale leaves off the stalks and pick the leaves off the parsley. Finely shred both. Mix with the pumpkin seeds.

De-seed pomegranate.

Medium Heat

It will take a little while for your oil to come up to temperature, but please wait till it sizzles when you drop a small piece of mixture in.

Cook Fritters

Fill a non-stick fry pan with oil (approx 1 cup) so that it comes up the side by around a quarter. I call this a medium fry; not shallow or deep.

Heat your pan on medium heat.

While you wait for the oil to come up to temperature add the eggs, flour and roughly chopped parsley to the sweet potatoes along with some cracked pepper.

Mix well to combine.

Take a small piece of mix and drop it into the oil, if it sizzles, then you can start.

Use your hands to scoop up the mixture and mould a handful into a pattie shape, then gently place into the oil, repeat till you have four in the pan. Cook for approx 3 minutes each side (you can turn them more regularly if you prefer).

Repeat till the mix is complete.

Poach Eggs

Fill a small pot up to just under halfway with water and bring up to the boil, then turn down to a simmer.

Crack two eggs into your water and cooked as desired. Soft poached for about 2 minutes.

Plate it Pretty

Take your labne and smooth a large tablespoon across the plate, for decoration you can scatter the salad around the edges but for practical it works better to make a nice small handful beside the labne.

Stack three fritters on top of the salad and lay your egg over the top.


Got citrus?

If I have lemons or limes hanging around I like to squeeze some over the top.

fritters lunch.jpg

Lunch tomorrow

Lunch tomorrow is just the fritters with some avocado, chili sauce would be nice or you could hard boil a couple of eggs.