Toasted Sweetcorn and Cheese Sammies

Serves: as many as you can make

Roasted veg and quinoa salad

My husband loves anything carb related, maybe more so because we don’t do too many heavy carbs. If it’s saturated in butter then he is one very happy man.

It’s pretty safe to say he would take toasted sammies to work every day if he could and be in food heaven.

My man tends to do everything just a little bit different to the norm. He takes his toasted sammies to work in what he likes to call his ‘briefcase’ which is the jaffle iron. Rather than cooking them first at home and reheating them at work, he travels with them all made up in the ‘briefcase’ and turns them on 5 mins before smoko (he’s a tradie). Secretly I think he enjoys having people admire his lunch, not to mention the tease of filling the site with the tasty aroma of grilled cheese. But logically it’s a golden idea, fresh really is best.

Toasted sammies also work perfectly as a Saturday lunch for the whole family. They’re super quick to whip up and like father like son the wee man loves them.

What you’ll need

Bread of any kind

Soft butter

Any sort of cheese

tinned corn

From the pantry

salt and pepper

Fillings, Glorious Fillings

You really can go crazy with what you want to put in your toasties. Hubby has done spag bol and cheese, beef stew and mash - there are endless options. I find if you throw cheese on anything it tastes good!

Prep and Cook

Butter outside of bread.

Load fillings.

Season with salt and pepper.

Cook till golden and crispy.
