Blueberry Breakfast Bowl

Raw Caramel Slice, 1 Eighty Kitchen

For the most part with breakfast I tend to stick to the same things, but every now and then one needs a change and this breakfast bowl is a really quick, super easy burst of difference to whip up. It’s kind of like a smoothie in the sense that the ingredients are almost exactly the same, but because it doesn’t have the liquid and you are eating it with a spoon, I feel like it fills me up more. You can substitute the blueberries for any frozen fruit. But just a little tip when adding the milk, less is best. You can always add more if needed but once you’ve put too much milk in it will be more of like a sloppy soup.

What you’ll need

1 cup of frozen blueberries

1 frozen banana

1/4 cup of roasted walnuts

1/2 cup of almond milk

1 teaspoon of honey


Blitz everything together in a blender.

Top with a handful of fresh or frozen blueberries and a sprinkling of granola (if you have leftover from breakfast yesterday) or chopped walnuts.