Baked Salmon with Almond Crumb and Kale salad

Baked salmon with almond crumb and kale salad

Serves: 2

Time: 30mins



This is a super simple clean yummy dish but not one that I would eat cold the next day, so why not toss any salad leftovers through the remainder of your quinoa salad (if you have any).


What you'll need

2 portions of salmon skin on bone out

1/2 a cup of almond meal

2 or 3 sprigs of parsley

25g melted butter

1/2 a bunch of kale

1 large beetroot

Double up your Dressing

We are using the same dressing on the chicken salad so you might as well make double!

1 large sized fennel

1 lemon

1 teaspoon seeded mustard

1/4 cup of buttermilk

2 corn on the cob

Optional Extras

baby red sorrel leaves or baby beetroot leaves.

Save time tomorrow

Tonights dinner is pretty easy so why not save some time tomorrow and get your brown rice cooked tonight.


Prep and Cook

Pre heat oven to 180c fan forced

Put 2 large pots of water on to boil.

Remove husks from corn and place the corn in one of the pots.

Strip your kale away from the stalks and roughly chop up into 3's.

Season your water and drop kale into boiling water for about 30 seconds, just long enough that the leaves turn a lovely dark green.

Strain and refresh (rinse/cool down) in cold water then squeeze off excess water and place in a mixing bowl.

Making the crumb
Roughly chop parsley and put into a small kitchen whizz along with the almond meal and pulse at 2 second intervals.

When the parsley has chopped down add melted butter, a pinch of sea salt and some zest off your lemon then pulse again to combine.

Bake that salmon
Line an oven tray with baking paper, lay salmon skin side down and season with salt + pepper.

Top each piece evenly with your crumble.

Bake for 12 minutes.

Finish salad
While your fish is cooking, finely slice your fennel and pick some of its leaves and add to the kale.

Finely slice your beetroot and run under water until it runs clear.

Strain and add to the salad.

Make dressing

Mix the buttermilk with the mustard and half the juice of a lemon season and mix together.

Strain corn

Your corn will be ready now. You can either toss in butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper, or like me, leave all natural.

Dress salad and serve with the salmon
Plate your salmon. Season, dress and toss salad then pop down next to your salmon with wedge of lemon and your corn on the side.


Lunch tomorrow

This is a pretty rich dish making it quite substantial and I tend to have a lot of the salad ingredients left over. Toss these through your quinoa to make into a simple lunch for the next day. You can even go as far as to cut any left over corn off the cob and add this as well. Don't forget to season.