Roasted Heirloom Tomato Fettuccine

Roasted heirloom tomato fettuccine, 1eightykitchen weekly recipe, pantry dinner

Serves: 2

Time: 20-30 mins



Where you really can notice the difference between gluten free and normal pasta is without a doubt when it’s cold. Gluten free is not nice - dry and cardboard like - so often isn't a dish that we stretch over to leftovers. 


What you'll need

1 packet gluten free fettuccine

1 packet heirloom tomatoes - or literally any cherry tomatoes (this dish originally started with me using up the random leftover cherry tomatoes from half eaten packets; some were wrinkly some beauties).

lemon peel

large handful of fresh basil leaves, or again literally any herb you have.

8 cloves of garlic

parmesan to taste

olive oil

salt and pepper

Check the pantry

Throw in any fresh thyme or oregano or even bay leaves if you have them around. If you're a fan of chilli and have some old ones that are starting to look wrinkly, this is the perfect dish to use them up in.

Prep and Cook

Preheat oven to 200c

Put a large pot filled 2 thirds with water on to boil with a touch of salt  and splash of oil.

Once the water is boiling, empty the whole packet of pasta into the pot and stir with tongs until the pasta has completely submerged in the water.

Leave to cook.

Roast tomatoes
In your roasting dish, put your baby heirlooms, the garlic cloves (peeled but still whole) and two strips of lemon peel.

Splash over some olive oil (around 2-3 tablespoons. You want enough to well coat everything) and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Add any hard herbs if you have them.

Roast till the tomato skins go wrinkly and the garlic nice and soft approx. 15- 20 minutes.

Once the pasta is cooked, strain off 3/4 of the liquid.

Add the cooked tomato to the reserved liquid in the pot and mix salt and pepper and toss through a nice sized bunch of fresh herb.

Toss all of the ingredients together and serve with Parmesan.
