Pork Sausages with Fried Broccoli and Gremolata

Roasted veg and quinoa salad

Serves: 2

Time: 30 minutes

 Some nights all I feel like cooking is sausages, but that doesn’t mean we have to eat them plain or with the traditional mash. You can still mix it up with an interesting salad.

It is absolutely not BBQ weather anymore, otherwise I would suggest you do the broccoli on the barbie to get some lovely charred lines going on, however I am a girl that feels the cold so instead I have done the charred effect in a fry pan.

We had freekeh on the menu last week so I am using up the bag but if you don’t have any leftover or it isn’t easy to source, brown rice would work just as good.


Broccoli salad with almonds and freekeh.


What you'll need

5-6 good quality pork sausages

1 broccoli

1 cup of freekeh

1/2 cup of toasted almonds

1 lemon

1/2 a bunch of basil

1/4 bunch of chives

1/2 bunch of flat leaf parsley

1 clove of garlic

Store bought tomato chutney or relish

From the Pantry

olive oil

salt and pepper

Optional Extras for Lunch

Tinned tuna

Prep and Cook

Cook Freekeh

Put your freekeh into a pot along with 3 cups of water and a pinch of salt, bring to the boil then cover with a lid and turn down to a simmer.

Simmer for about 40 mins then, once your liquid is almost completely gone, turn off and leave to sit with the lid still on.

Not the right time to go lean

Sausages are the perfect example of when fat is good. Without the fat content in sausages you're gonna have a very dry product so buy quality but DON'T GO LEAN!

Prep Gremolata

In a hot pan gently toast off your almonds. Roughly chop and put into a small mixing bowl. 

Roughly chop up the basil and add to your almonds.

Finely slice chives and roughly chop parsley

Finely zest the skin of your lemon and add to the almonds, along with your finely chopped garlic and enough olive oil to cover it all.

Season to taste.

Prep Broccoli
Slice the bulk of the stalk off the base of your broccoli.

Cut broccoli in half and then slice straight the other side of each half to make a ‘steak’.

Keep the trimmings as we will cook them and add them to your lunch.

Get Cooking

Heat two large fry pans with oil.

Lay out your sausages in one pan and turn regularly so they cook evenly.

Drizzle olive oil over your broccoli and season well, tossing the cut off pieces in oil. 

Cook for around 3 minutes each side; you want them to get a lovely char going but to still have a bit of crunch to them. Scatter the off cuts around your two broccoli steaks and turn occasionally.

Plate it Pretty
To serve, put a broccoli steak on each plate then top with a couple of spoons of freekeh and some of the gremolata.

Serve with the cooked sausages and a side of chutney.


Lunch tomorrow

Using the remainder of your freekeh and the cooked broccoli, mix in leftover gremolata and season well. 

Today I am adding tuna for some extra flavour.

I often buy celery thinking I’ll eat it as a snack but never really do, so lunch salads like these are a great way to use it up.